Chapter 1: Late

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Jade POV

Date: March 17th, 2009

"Ugh... What time is it?" I ask myself, glancing over to the old alarm clock on my nightstand. 9:21 a.m. The numbers blink back at me as I try to focus my eyes. I groan, realizing that I overslept. "Marco is gonna kill me..." I mumble as I trudge out of bed, trying to think of an excuse. I could tell him the truth, that my alarm never went off. No, I've used that one too many times. I think to myself quietly as I pull my work uniform out of the closet. I could tell him that my car wouldn't start? Yeah, that's a good one. I lay my uniform on the bed, sighing. Please let today be decent.

I think to myself, as I undress. I wrestle my frumpy unflattering uniform on and stalk to the bathroom that Evelyn and I share.

Looks like she already left, her curling iron is still warm to the touch. I tuck it back under the sink, carefully wrapping the cord around the barrel. I grab my flat iron out of the drawer and begin to straighten my hair. Evelyn and I are complete opposites. She likes to curl her long waist length strawberry blonde hair, and I prefer to flatten my short shoulder length black hair. She's a little messy, I'm more neat and tidy. I don't mind though, she helps out with rent and groceries, and that's all I could ever ask of her.

Once my hair is nice and flat, I start my makeup, a grueling process. I strive to make myself look as un-approachable as I possibly can. I cover my eyes with heavy black shadow, tightline my dark brown eyes with pencil liner and add a big wing with a liquid eyeliner. It looks good enough for now. I straighten my septum ring and walk back to my room.

I pluck my phone from the nightstand and stare blankly at the screen, Six missed calls and fourteen text messages. I look through my call log and see that only one of the calls was from Marco. I shoot him a quick message, detailing that "my car wouldn't start" and that I would be there soon. I check the remaining missed calls; I roll my eyes dramatically as I read Jeremy's name scrawled across my screen. What does he want? He dumped me for the third time two days ago. Does he really expect me to answer his calls and messages after what he said to me?

Two days earlier

"You're so controlling Jade! I can't be with someone like that." Jeremy yelled as I sat at the foot of his bed, tears streaming down my cheeks. 

I snapped back, "Oh, so me wanting you to be faithful to me is controlling?? Me not wanting you to cheat is so toxic? I thought you loved me J..."

"Don't guilt trip me. You don't understand, I'm a grown man and can do what I want. And I certainly don't want someone like you." His words stung. 

I could tell this relationship was over. I stood up, glaring at him. "Fuck. You," I said, my voice shaking. As I walked to the door to leave, I caught a glimpse of my mascara-stained face in the mirror. No more. 

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