Chapter 14: Gash

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Jade POV

March 19th, 2009

4:46 PM

"Hey! You're awake!" Allison says warmly, inviting me into a hug. I needed this hug. Behind her, the two other girls smile and wave. "This is Alexis and Lauren." Allison says as she gestures to each girl. They both greet me kindly.

 "Where am I?" I ask Allison, slightly concerned. The three of them share an awkward glance. "Do you not remember what happened last night?" Allison asks. I shake my head. "You were pretty drunk, and some creep tried to get some...And then Tom found you, he brought you here, so you'd be safe."

I sigh. Of course Tom brought me here since he wants me and all. Allison changes the subject, but not to a very good one. "So, guess who's been blowing up my phone all day." She says, annoyed. "Let me guess. Ev?" I respond, showing her all of the missed calls and messages on my screen. She groans. "What happened between you two?" she asks. "You know how J cheated on me?" I ask, she nods, "Well, it turns out, he was cheating with her." 

The three of them gasp in shock. "How did you find out?" Alexis asks. "I found them in bed together last night. That's why I left. I couldn't bear the thought of my best friend and my ex together like that." I say, rolling my eyes.

Just then, a door opens and shuts loudly. Bill storms into the kitchen, looking pissed. His face instantly softens when he locks eyes with me. "Hey Jade!" He says, patting my head. "It's good to see you awake. How's that head of yours?"

"It's fine." I say smiling slightly. I had forgotten about my headache.

 As quickly as he came in, he left.


4:52 PM

As quickly as Bill left, he came back out to the garage. 

"She's awake!" I hear him shout. I drop my cigarette and follow him inside. As we walk into the hall that leads to the kitchen, I hear laughter. I see Jade, still in my clothes, sitting at the counter with the girls. I approach her slowly and gently place my hand on her shoulder, startling her slightly. She turns to face me; my eyes are immediately drawn to the bandage I put on her forehead last night.

"It's good to see you awake after last night. Let's go change that bandage." I say softly. She looks confused. "Bandage?" She asks as she brings her hand up to her head.

 I pull her chair out for her, and she reluctantly follows me up the stairs to my bathroom. I sit her up onto the counter and carefully remove the dressing from her head. She stares me down; afraid I would do something to her. I soften my gaze, hoping it would relax her.

"This may sting a little..." I say as I dab the gash with rubbing alcohol. She winces a little as I finish cleaning it up. I stick a smaller bandage over top and inspect my work, grabbing her chin gently. Not half bad. I look down, her eyes welled with tears. "It's only gonna scar a little." I assure her. 

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