Chapter 13: Strange Bed

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Jade POV

March 19th, 2009

4:39 PM

I'm woken up by a searing pain in my head. I must have had too much to drink last night. I don't remember anything after leaving the bar. Did I ever end up confronting Ev? My eyes flutter as I try to wake myself up.

 The curtains are drawn shut, keeping the room dark. I can't see a thing. I rub the sleep off my eyes and the realization hit me like a truck. I'm not in my room. I don't even think I'm in my own home. I look cautiously around the giant room; everything is dark and gray.

I turn my head to the other side of the bed, and I'm instantly relieved that it's empty. But someone had definitely been here. Did I go home with someone from the bar? I drop my head into my hands, trying to remember what happened last night. I throw my feet over the edge of the bed and search my pockets for my phone. As I run my hands along where my pockets would be, I look down and see that I'm not wearing what I left the house in. Instead, I am dressed in a large baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. They smell like a familiar cologne, but I can't place it. 

I search the room for my phone, and find it plugged in next to my neatly folded clothes on a small table across the room. I guess whoever brought me home had a pretty good look at my body. Did they take advantage of me? I shudder at the thought of all that.

I grab my phone from the table and creep out of the bedroom. I stare down the long hallway. There are so many rooms that I wonder who else lives here. I tiptoe past each one as quietly as I can as I reach a small staircase. Each step creaks slightly as I descend into a large kitchen. I reach the last step and I'm greeted by a soothing face. Allison. 

She sits on a bar stool at the kitchen counter scrolling through her phone while talking to two other girls on either side of her. The one to her left has a bright smile, with dark brown locks flowing gracefully down her back. The other is a small girl, platinum blonde hair framing her face nicely. Allison looks up from her phone, meeting my gaze. Her eyes light up as she smiles. 

*Sorry this chapter is so short, I had to take a break from writing for a few days :((*

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