Chapter 10: Balcony Cigarettes

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Jade POV

TW: Mentions of Self Harm

March 17th, 2009

12:35 AM

The entire ride home, I thought about what Ev had said. I'd been around a very dangerous gang member, who supposedly wants me. I guess I should keep my distance.

As I walk up the steps and into our apartment, I remember our first interaction from this morning. What did they want with Marco? Is he a part of the gang? Does he owe them a lot of money? My head is reeling.

 Ev noticed my unease. "Why don't you go shower, and I'll make us some tea." she says calmly. I nod and tiptoe to the bathroom.

I turn the water as hot as it will go, steaming up the mirror. I undress carefully, catching a whiff of alcohol and smoke on my shirt. I step into the shower, letting the steam envelop me. I leave my hair down, washing away the musty stink of the club and underground tunnel with my black cherry shampoo and conditioner. My favorite smell.

As I look down at my arm, I'm relieved that I chose to wear a long-sleeved shirt so no one would notice. I run my fingers along the raised slices that I meticulously made into my skin. What would Tom have said if he'd have seen them? Would he have walked away? Or would he have wanted me regardless?

I finish my shower, drying my feet off and wiping the steam off the mirror. I can still see the red hand shaped print on my cheek.

 As I stalk down to my bedroom, Ev calls from the kitchen. "Let's sit outside on the balcony tonight." she says.

 I shut the door to my room, throwing my clothes into the hamper. My oversized nightshirt lies exactly where I had left it this morning. I slip it on along with some bottoms and dry my hair slightly with the towel.

I move into the kitchen to grab a bag of ice for my swollen cheek. Ev opens the balcony door for me, and we sit in our rickety little chairs. 

I lift my tea mug from the small table and take a long slow sip. Ev hands me an already lit cigarette, which I gladly take a long drag from. We stare out into the quiet city. I sip my tea once more and sigh. "You know..." I start. Ev turns her head towards me, lighting a cigarette for herself. "Tom was actually kinda cute." I chuckle as I press the ice to my cheek.

 I look back out to the street below us, flicking the ash off of my cig. I notice a familiar car. I take a closer look. It was black, shiny and sleek. The realization hit me fast. It was Toms. My heart pounds as I finish my cigarette, stubbing it out on the railing. "I'm a little chilly, I think I'm gonna finish my tea inside." I say to Ev. 

"Alright." She starts. "I'll come back inside in a little while." she says, pulling her phone out of her pocket. 

I step back inside, shaking with unease. I hightail it down the hall to my room and shut the door quietly. He knows where I live now? Is he going to kidnap and enslave me? Or was he just making sure we got home safe? My head spins as I sit down on the floor at the foot of my bed. 

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