Chapter 18 - Mine

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Chapter 18

Laus p.o.v

I took a step back putting my hair behind my ears. I had no intentions of sticking around but his tone was menacing, I didn't have much of a choice. He put his cigarette down and got on his feet walking slowly towards me. I backed up till my back hit the door. He didn't stop as his body only got closer to mine. I noticed his playful look on his face. He then bent down to my level and whispered near my ear:

- You're mine Tesoro, I can do whatever I want with you.

I swallowed and I held my breath. I put my hand on his chest to push him back a little. I couldn't dare to look up at him.

- Enzo, please stop, you're not yourself right now.

He smiled slowly, placing my hand down grabbing my ass.

- I am myself, you just never met the real me...

I pushed him back quickly. This has gone too far and I couldn't let it happen.

- Fuck off!

His smile disappeared so did his hope of doing it tonight. He took a step closer too quickly for me to respond to his action. Enzo grabbed my jaw and gripped it very tightly.

- Listen to me you bratt.

He tightened.

- You want everything to go your way without any consequences huh?

I grunted and attempted to push him off. He quickly grabbed my arms and slammed them on my chest. A tear went down my cheek as my lips shaked and he noticed. He released all pressure and looked down at the floor before running his hand through his hair. I heard him sigh. At that moment, he looked as if he regretted it.

- Shit...

I kept my eyes on him before placing my hair back and taking a deep breath. I was still shaken but I had a feeling he wouldn't do more harm.

- It's 00:35, you should go to sleep.

I rubbed my cheek and opened the door. The unknown girl was now gone but forgot one of her belongings in my room. Her bag was left on my door handle. Something was off about her, I knew she was wasted but my instinct never disappointed me.


Authors note:

Things are getting a little intense don't you think? How do we feel about Enzo right now?

Please vote, surbscribe and comment thank you!

Word count: 389

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