Chapter 13 - The watcher

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Chapter 13

Laus p.o.v

We drove back home in Enzo's car. He was the one at the steering wheel while Dani was sitting in the passenger seat. The two had been fighting over me for a while now, I could tell Enzo was getting pissed by it.

- Why do you think that guy didn't kill her!? Clearly they were after her.

Daniella yelled at enzo. She was pissed though I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought back to these pictures in my head, the bodies, the blood. I couldn't escape them. I felt sick to my stomach, my heart was beating full speed as the images got clearer in my head. I was hot and had a huge headache.


Enzo yelled and took a tight turn. My head hit the window to my right and it knocked me out a little, I couldn't handle this anymore.

- YOU GUYS! I don't wanna die tonight. Enough tragedy happened already.

We were now all mad, all three of us. Enzo apologized to me. Huh...he most probably hit his head too.

We got home. I just called it home... I missed my real home, my boyfriend, my friends, my family... I thought about them everyday and night before I go to sleep. The school trip was over for my class, it's already been 10 days. The police were surely looking for me at this point...


I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I just had a vision from what happened earlier. I sat up on my bed and to my surprise, I saw a silhouette sitting on my sofa. I gasped.

- Shh shh... It's me, Laus.

I frowned, then asked Enzo:

- What are you doing here? You scared me.

He cracked his neck on both sides before looking straight up at the will in front of him.

- I can't sleep.

He got out a lighter to light up his cigarette. I opened a window close to my bed to let the air flow. He got up to sit on the edge of my bed. Through the light that was provided by his lighter, I could see his bark brown eyes and sharp jawline. His face was focused as he let go of the cigarette that was now trapped around his lips. I yawned as he explained:

- It was a mistake bringing you there. Those people...

He paused.

- They want you. They aren't joking around.

- Why me?

I questioned worried.

- You hold information from two gangs. This is a messy industry Laus. People who are part of it die. You gotta know what you're doing and who you're dealing with at all times.

I listened as my eyes slowly closed shut. He mumbled words as my attention drifted away. I felt his hand go through my hair but quickly pull away.

- Good night tesoro.


Authors note:

Any suggestions for the future?

Word count: 480

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