Chapter 14 - No more going in the pool

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Chapter 14

Laus p.o.v

The birds chirping outside woke me up from my faint sleep. I looked at the clock, it indicated 9:30 am. I yawned. My door was locked as usual which reassured me a little from everything that happened last night.

- Is anyone home?

I yelled in the house as frustration built up, silence. This stupid lock for what? I was kept in a cage like an animal at this point. I was basically Enzo's little pet. Wait, did I dream last night or was he really in my room?

- Enzooooooo?!

I yelled louder as I hit the door in anger with both my fists. To my surprise, it was Daniella who answered back.

- I'm coming Laus, just a second!

She ran up the stairs and unlocked the door. I was happy to see her after everything that had happened. After all, she was the one defending me in the car.

- Hey Laus!

She looked around as if she was looking for someone, then she continued.

- I'm not supposed to let you out but Enzo is gone on a little business trip, he'll never know, come on!

She winked at me with a faint smile and grabbed my hand to lead me the way.

- I'm starving, are you?

I laughed a little as I sat on the chairs in the living room. I looked around the room I had never visited before. My food was always brought upstairs and I ate in my room every meal. I was sick of it. I could finally breathe a little.

- I don't know, do you have any suggestions?

She looked upwards and thought.

- We can make cheese pancakes, I really like them.

My stomach grumbled and my mouth watered at the thought

- Sure why not, how can I help?


The TV was on. Gordon Ramsey was screaming at the screen. I was laughing along but turned and Daniella looked bored.

- Wanna go in the pool?

There's a pool!? I really didn't know anything about this house. I knew it had 3 stories and a little about the exterior. The walls were big and so were the windows. The ceilings were tall and you felt small inside of it. The house had a mediterranean style. The color palette was mostly gray, which made it a little less homey, white, brown which was mostly wood, with lots of plants, you could find pots and paintings all around the place. As we walked outside everything was ground level. The pool was wide and the edges were round up. The ocean was at view from Enzo's room and I could hear it once in a while at night.

- This is a beautiful place...

I walked around the backyard amazed. Daniella took her hoodie off, she reaveled her teal bathing suit and jumped in the pool.

- Come in! The water is so good.

I heard a loud boom in the house.

- Oh shit... Enzo is home early, jump JUMP!

I took a second to think and then jumped in the pool. I did my best to hold my breath for as long as I could.

- Hey, I was able to leave early. What are you doing out here alone?

I could barely hear what they were saying, my head was starting to hurt from the lack of oxygen. A few bubbles went up.

- You know I was hot and needed a little swim, why don't you go and get us some drinks?.

I could feel her smiling nervously, she was trying to get him to go inside for me to get out and find a better spot to hide. From under the water I could still see his shadow. I couldn't hold my breath anymore. Time was out. I needed air to live. I didn't know if I would rather be dead from my lack of oxygen than Enzo's hands around my neck. I knew Daniella would defend me at that moment.

I jumped out of the water taking a huge breath. I coughed some water for seconds on end until I finally laid eyes on the psychopath. Oh, shit, he had a very angry look on his face.

- Well, well look who we have here, out of her prison without permission...

He wasn't joking or laughing anymore, I was in his pool, walking around his house.

- I'm the one who gave her permission!

Daniella jumped to my defense as expected, I really appreciated her.

- You, Daniella, know damn well she can't be out. I talked to you about that yesterday, I thought I could at least trust you!

He yelled at her. My heart rate started beating faster and faster. I felt as if he was about to jump on me.

- You know you can trust me, but I wasn't exactly gonna just stand there and let the poor girl in her room all day. Why do you even keep her locked up, for what reason??

He looked at her with the same eyes he gave me the time he invaded the bathroom. We could feel his anger in the air. His fists were clenched and he leaned backwards. He swore and turned around. My eyes were laid on him due to safety reasons, that was until he changed direction and turned to the corner, I couldn't see him anymore. I was angry, angry at him and the world. He had no reason. No reason at all to be worried I would do something stupid. His documents were locked up in the room upstairs, the office. And anyways, it's not like I cared enough to go through them. I sighed. He has guards all over the place, it's not like I could escape either..

- Don't worry Laus, it'll take time but he's a nice guy.

She explained with a reassuring look on her face.

- He can be unlogical sometimes, most of the time...

I replied. She laughed and we got out of the pool.


Authors note:

- Its so fun to write with a friend! When you don't have ideas anymore, they have some. 

- Love L&Z (your writers)(I'm L btw)

Word count: 992

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