Chapter 5 - Double kidnapped

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Chapter 5

Laus p.o.v

I woke up on a cold-wet floor, I felt dizzy as if I was hungover. I sat up looking around. What is happening? Then it hit me, I got kidnapped.

I looked at my surroundings. I was in some sort of cell, there was very dim lighting from the corridor. I could see a toilet and a sink. The place was very humid and drops of water fell from the ceiling every once in a while. The place had no windows apart from that big glass wall that gave me an open view to the hall. The 3 walls were cement. I stayed silent on the ground for a few minutes. Processing and observing.

- Hey, anybody?

My voice echoed through the walls.I started to feel the panic take the best of me. My heart was beating out of my chest, I felt sick. I waited for I don't know how long, seconds felt like hours. Beeping sounds were on and the metal door unlocked to an old man. He walked in with a smirk on his face and stopped as soon as he reached a step into the door.

- Look at you, already up.

He chuckled as he rubbed his chin in a repeated motion. The stranger's voice was deep. He stared me up and down. I could see his yellow teeth through his grin. He looked old. His gray hair was slicked back with gel and he was wearing a suit that was a little too big for him.

I quickly crawled back on my hands and felt my back hit the wall. I looked down avoiding his disturbing stare.

- Wh- who are you?

My eyes were now wide open, carefully looking back up. It didn't take long before I started scanning the room looking for any way out.

- I'm Daniel, leader of the prestigious Russian mafia.

He answered. He then smirked at me. Meanwhile my anxiety was going peeks, Mafia!? He continued:

- And I'm now your fiance, you shall marry me and give me lots of children.

No way, what was happening. I looked at him confused while still not comprehending the severity of the situation I was in. I felt my eyes get watery. A tear went down my cheek.


I suddenly woke up from my daydream when I heard some gunshots. What the hell was going on? I crawled in the corner and buried my head between my legs shaking in fear. With a calming voice I counted to ten in my head to relax. I heard more gunshots followed by some screams and swears. Loud boom echoed to the room and I knew they were only getting closer. I stayed in my corner for what felt like hours until I saw a flashlight pointing at me. The dark kept me from observing who it was.

Qui est là? (who is there)

I had hoped for it to be the cops.

- Who do we have here?

I held my breath as I saw 2 men standing across from me. From the flash light he was holding, I could see in the corner a very tall guy that looked about my age, maybe a little older. His shirt was covered in blood and his big arms were holding a gun. I could see through the dark his sharp jawline and his piercing eyes.

- Please help me.

My voice was shaky, so was my body. The adrenaline was pumping. Whoever he was, it couldn't be worse than that pedophile that brought me here in the first place. I was begging this stranger to save me. It's been 3 days since I've seen the outside world. I would take anyone's help. I saw him put the gun in his back pocket.

The tall guy approached me calmly and bent down to my level. My hand touched the glass.

- Help you? Yeah only because I need information. You are coming with us.

I just wanted all of this to end and meet back with my school, I wondered if they had noticed me missing.

- I've been kidnaped. Listen, I don't want any part in this... just let me go please.

A tear down my eye.

- You see, I don't believe you, you're not Italien. You can't hide anything from me Tesoro.

What did he mean by that?

- None! I'm on a school trip, I'm a French Canadian!

I shouted at him. He looked at me and looked back at his buddy for a second before processing the information. A small smile came up on his face.

- Exactly my point, the Russian mafia leader often holds gang members captive for interrogation. I see you're in a holding cell to do exactly that. Drop the act.

I was left speechless, what was I supposed to say? He took his gun and shot directly at the passcode, opening the door. It startled me. He then came to my cell pointing his gun at me.

I pleaded with him some more to not shoot. He then quickly grabbed me.

- Don't touch me you psycho.

I said quickly getting back up.

- Tesoro (darling) you don't stand a chance against me, just give up already, make things easier.

He spoke in a shivering cold voice with a smirk on his face. He threw me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. A faint scream escaped my lips. I tried kicking and punching him but he was too strong. I heard him chuckle a little with his buddy at his side.


Authors note:

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed, this was quite a long chapter. We had a lot of fun writing it. Laus finally meeting Enzo. BTW Laus it prononced «Klaus» but with no «K».

- Starting chapter 6 right now!

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