Chapter 30 part 2

Start from the beginning

Samuel wasn't sure if he was more or less worried, knowing that he was still 'the villain' to the public.

That was until he heard the door creak and a few soft footsteps enter.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty" Matias chuckled.

Samuel glanced at the clock, realizing it was already eleven in the morning. To Matias, it must've seemed like he just sat up out of bed.

Matias was carrying a black backpack that he slung onto the floor by the dresser.

"I figured I should get some of my own clothing. Plus the necessities" He said obliviously, completely unaware of Samuel's previous panic.

When Samuel didn't respond, Matias glanced around the room.

"Is Ellie not up yet? I know she went to bed a bit late for her age but.." he let the sentence fade, both of them aware of what he would say next.

Samuel nodded, still slightly shaken. "I can see if she's sick. She might just be stressed but it's better to be safe"

Samuel saw the opportunity to get out of the awkward situation and took it as quick as he could. He lifted off the bed, wincing from the pain, and headed off to see Ellie.

Coincidentally enough, Ellie was already sitting up in her bed and rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning" Samuel spoke sweetly, his mood instantly improved.

Ellie's eyes shot up and a grin grew on her face. She jumped up quick with her childlike energy and hugged onto Samuels legs. She was gentle— already having been told about how he had an accident and hurt himself— but still loving. 

"Is Matias still here" she mumbled into his pants.

"Mhm" Samuel responded, chuckling at her excitement.

He couldn't deny how it warmed his heart that his daughter loved Matias so much. Not to mention how gentle he had seen Matias being back to her.

Ellie pushed off of Samuels legs and bolted into the living room.

Once Samuel had made his way slowly behind her into the living room he was met with the sight of her already cling onto Matias.

"I think she likes me more than you" Matias mocked.

Samuel only scoffed in return, turning to the kitchen to make coffee.

It didn't take Ellie and Matias more than a second to follow behind, walking side by side.

"I've got one of those checkups the doctors want us to do today" Samuel spoke up while waiting on his coffee.

Matias made a face, but didn't say anything.

"What?" Samuel asked suddenly, unsure what to think of Matias's expression.

Matias looked up innocently before realizing what Samuel was talking about. "I didn't think you were actually going to go to those. I'm supposed to have one today too, in a few hours"

Samuel flinched as Ellie grabbed onto his leg.

"Of course I'm going" he scoffed, placing a hand on Ellie's head. "And you are too"

Matias looked up irritated. "No, I'm not"

He glared stubbornly, but Samuel only glared back. "You have a concussion along with all your other injuries" he pointed out blandly.

"I'm fine" Matias immediately defended.

Samuel lifted his hand off of Ellie's hair and held it in front of him to stop Matias.

"No, you're not" he lectured, "you could get a serious infection. Or permanent brain damage"

Matias rolled his eyes. "One concussion won't give me permanent brain damage, and I can clean my own wounds"

Samuel took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly. As grateful as he was to have Matias—especially after thinking he was gone only minuets ago— he could really be stubborn.

"You're going to the hospital" he finalized.

Matias opened his mouth to object, but Samuel held up his pointer finger to silence him. Matias's face dropped but still looked irritated.

Samuel added a bit of creamer to his coffee before sipping it, making eye contact with Matias as he did so.

"Who will watch Ellie?" Matias asked smugly, clearly proud of his excuse not to go.

Samuel went silent and the grin on his face vanished.

"And I cant go out in public anyways. What if someone sees my face? What if they freak out?"

Matias's smile only grew as Samuels face dropped even further. Ellie stared up at the two with big, curious eyes.

Didn't proof read this tbh, if you notice mistakes please let me know!

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