Chapter 7 part 2

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Chapter 7 part 2


Does Matias really want to forget about all of this? After he told me so much? After I cried in front of him? Even after I let him know pretending it didn't happen isn't what I want?

Samuels thoughts moved at a shockingly slow pace. He got in his car and wanted nothing but to just sit there. He wanted to sit there and do nothing but think. However, Matias could definitely see his car from inside and normal pedestrians were already giving him looks.

He pulled out into the road and drove back to his house. He was still a bit ahead of schedule after he had practically sped down the road everywhere after dropping off Matias. He even showed up at the Coffee shop fifteen minutes before he usually did and even a few minutes before Matias.

The second he reached his house he dragged himself to his bed and plopped down. He couldn't be bothered to change clothes, take his shoes off, or do anything else. He fell asleep there and then. Lying diagonally on top of his blankets. Feet with shoes still on them hanging off the edge.

Some time later

Samuel was still fast asleep when something shook his arm.

"Mmh" Samuel groaned, not bothering to check who or what it was.

His arm shook a bit more aggressively.

"Whaaat" Samuel groaned once again. He had yet to come to his senses and realize that something was in his house and shaking his arm.

"Dude wake up already" a voice spoke from the side of the bed

"It's too early" Samuel mumbled, delusional.

"It's almost 4 pm"

Samuel finally lifted his head and flinched as he realized what was going on. His head whipped up and he flinched again at the person standing there.

"Ya really shouldn't leave your door unlocked like that" The man said while looking down on Samuel

Matias was practically hovering over Samuel who was still lying stomach down in his bed. Matias's arms were crossed over his chest and he was standing with awful posture. His hair was messy and the bags under his eyes had grown immensely.

"You shouldn't barge into people's houses" Samuel sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I knocked. A lot. I kinda tried the door as a last resort, never thought you'd be dumb enough to leave it unlocked" Matias smirked down at Samuel.

How was he so calm? Just this morning he was seemed so distant and uncomfortable. How could he talk to Samuel so casually while the only thing keeping Samuel calm was the sleepiness that still coursed through his body.

"You wanna talk now? Or are you too tired?" Matias asked referring to this morning when Samuel insisted they talked things out.

Samuel perked up and straightened his posture. It seemed like every ounce of sleep had left his body upon hearing Matias's request.

"I'm fine! We can talk now!" Samuel nearly shouted as he quickly stood up. His leg yelled at him as he put so much sudden pressure on it, but he did nothing but ignore it.

"You woke up awful fast.. let's go" Matias seemed to sigh as he led Samuel to his own couch.

They both sat down on separate cushions, Samuel trying to sit close enough where he felt he could really talk to Matias, but not too close to where they would be touching legs and elbows mid-conversation.

"Why do you want to act like this never happened?" Samuel blurted, not giving Matias the chance to speak first.

"Samuel.." Matias stopped.

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