Chapter 14 part 2

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Chapter 14 part 2


It was a slow and boring day, but Samuel couldn't help but be grateful for it. He'd take it over being the hero all the time any day.

"Dad" Ellie, who was sitting in the corner playing with some toys, suddenly spoke up.

"Yes?" Samuel replied, taking his eyes away from the random documentary he was watching.

"When am I going back to daycare?" She asked eagerly

Samuel wasn't prepared for her to ask that question. Hell, he still wasn't prepared for him to ask that question to himself. The honest answer would be 'I don't know' but that is definitely not an acceptable answer to give to Ellie.

Luckily the doorbell rang just seconds before he had to give his answer. Maybe Ellie would forget about it.

Samuel motioned for Ellie to wait and pulled himself up off the couch. He hadn't had any visitors in a while. Plus, Matias never rings the doorbell. Hell, he only ever even knocked once.

Samuel found it a bit amusing that Matias knocked that night instead of ringing the doorbell, but it was probably too early to joke about that.

He cracked the door open slightly, peeking out. He definitely didn't expect the person he saw smiling back at him.

However, he couldn't really say he wasn't happy to see her.

"Hello Amanda" he greeted, opening the door the rest of the way.

"Hi Mr. Reed" she happily replied

Samuel stepped out of the way to let her in. He had told her to take a while off from babysitting because he didn't have to work for a bit, and she hadn't told him she would be coming over.

"How many times must I tell you to call me Samuel?" He teased, leaving the door to hang open for even longer.

"Sorry" she laughed "also sorry to intrude, I just figured I'd come by and see Ellie for a bit, if y'all aren't doing anything of course"

Samuel glanced into the living room at the same second that Ellie noticed Amanda. Her eyes went wide and she was to her feet and running to her in seconds.

As they were having their little reunion, Samuel finally looked back to close the door.

Samuel had been glad Amanda stopped by, but every ounce of that joy was now gone.

On the sidewalk across the road was the last person Samuel had expected to see. The new villain.

She was just walking casually, as if she wasn't a threat for anyone around. Of course Samuel lived in a neighborhood full of old retired people, so nobody was around to see her.

"Mr. Reed?" Amanda questioned after noticing his shift in mood, the door still being held open as he stared out of it.

Samuel jumped as Amanda said his name. He looked away from the door and then immediately back out of it. But it was too late, the new villain was gone.

"I'm so sorry, but do you mind watching Ellie for just a few moments? I have something very important and very last minute that I have to attend"

Amanda nodded, but that didn't stop Samuels ranting.

"I promise I'll pay you for it. I'll pay plenty since it is really last minute"

He tried to continue, but Amanda finally jumped in.

"I'll watch her, it's really no problem"

Usually Samuel would spend longer than necessary thanking her, but he didn't have the time. He hurried back to his room and dug into the bottom drawer of a small dresser in his closet, pulling out his, or rather the hero's, suit.

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