Chapter 6 Part 2

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Chapter 6 part 2


Samuels leg thanked him as he finally sat down, taking the pressure off of it. Ellie was now curled up in his arms and her crying had nearly completely stopped. Matias, who had stayed back in the kitchen a moment longer, finally approached the couch and sat down.

"Sorry, let me put her to bed and I'll finish taking care of that" Samuel spoke in a low voice while gesturing to Matias's arm.

"Nooo" Ellie pouted quietly, already beginning to fall into a deep sleep.

"Ellie, darling, you're already half asleep" Samuel gazed down at her lovingly.

Samuel still had questions for Matias. His brain couldn't take much more back and forth in once night. He ran his hand through Ellie's hair with care.

"You said I could stay.. you promised" Ellie attempted a pouty voice but ended up jumbling her words as she grew more tired.

Samuel sighed. He really needed to figure out what exactly happened to Matias, but couldn't ask with his daughter here. But he couldn't break her trust either.

He glanced down looking at his daughter who was desperately trying to remain awake.

"Alright, but you're going to have to lay down over here so I can keep treating Mat's boo-boos, okay?" Samuel patted the spot on the couch beside him.

"Mhm" Ellie barely hummed.

Samuel laid her down before turning to face Matias. He picked up some cleaning supplies and cotton balls with one hand and grabbed Matias's arm with the other. He took a moment to situate his supplies on the couch, never letting go of Matias's arm. He glanced up to see Matias leaning his head back on the couch and breathing slowly.

"You feeling okay?" Samuel tried to sound as relaxed as he could, though his heart was racing and he was more tired than ever.

"I almost died a couple of hours ago, I'm as good as I'm going to get" Matias replied, sounding sarcastic as usual.

"Ha ha" Samuel replied annoyed. He had actually said 'ha ha'.

Silence filled the room once more. Samuel finished cleaning up the area of the wound and was now ready to bandage it. He bent down slowly and picked up a few more things he needed to wrap it up and set them on the couch.

"I am serious though.. if you're feeling bad, whether it's physically or mentally, please speak up about it"

Samuel looked at Matias who had his eyes glued to the ceiling, his head still back on the couch.

"Matias.." Samuel tried to draw his attention but got no response.

"Matias,  look at me."

Samuel made his voice more serious but the soft look on his face remained unchanging. Ever since he heard the real story of how Matias became 'the villain' he felt the growing need to comfort him. Matias seemed like he wasn't telling Samuel something since he got here, which was fair, but still made Samuel a little sad.

Matias raised his head off the couch and tilted it in Samuels direction. His eyes finally met Samuels. Samuel couldn't help but gulp back a ball of saliva and take a long breath.

"It's obvious something is bothering you, Matias. And I know it's more than just the pain from your injuries."

Samuel looked through his eyelashes up at Matias.

"I completely understand if I'm not the first person you'd want to talk to, but please stop pretending like nothing is wrong"

Matias didn't move a muscle. His eyes seemed to stay open longer than normal before blinking and his breathing was soft. Samuel wanted to hug the man again. He wanted to wrap his arms around Matias and sit there for hours, but he was painfully aware that he couldn't do that.

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