Chapter 21 part 2

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Chapter 21 part 2


He felt his head pounding and his limbs feeling weak before he ever opened his eyes. It was just like when he was first put into the hospital.

This time, however, he wasn't waking up to bright lights. Nor was he in a room with kind doctors and nurses that he knew he took for granted.

Instead, he was outside and in the dark. At first he thought it was pitch black, until his eyes adjusted and he woke up a bit more.

He was still surrounded by people when he awoke, but they weren't kind in any meaning of the word. They were unfamiliar looking and gave off an odor. They were dressed in tattered rags and had dirty looks on their faces.

It was still cold though. It always had to be fucking cold.

"Ey, he's awake" a filthy looking girl shouted back to someone behind her.

Samuel blinked a few times. Then he blinked some more. His vision was blurry and he could've sworn this was all a dream.

The only sign any of this was real was the immense pain coming from his body. He could feel his heart pounding hard and his fingers twitch.

Suddenly a wretched smelling man— who was scarily skinny— stumbled his way over.

Samuel only glanced up at him, the whole situation feeling unreal. And then, in a fraction of a second, the toe of a shoe made harsh contact with his rib cage.

He let out an ugly sounding grunt. This was definitely not a dream.

Despite his weak appearance, the man's kick was hard. It only added to the tons of pain Samuel was already in and made his head feel fuzzy.

His vision got even blurrier and sounds became faded in his ears, sounding distant and delayed.

"Hey man, weren't we told not to bust him up too badly?" The same voice from before spoke up.

"Relax, I'm just wakin em up" a new voice came from right above him where the scrawny man was standing.

A sharp ringing began to echo in Samuels ears, making it harder to hear and intensifying his already awful headache.

All of his senses betrayed him and he wasn't sure what had happened for some amount of time.

The next thing he knew there was a large man standing before him.

The man was obese to a concerning extent and must've been at least six and a half feet tall. He was a Chinese man dressed in an all but flattering white t-shirt with a black leather jacket overtop.

Samuel couldn't help but shudder, frightened by the man's appearance alone.

However, the fear only intensified when the man spoke up.

"Hello", was all he said for a long moment.

His voice was deep and loud. It was like there was a bass speaker where his voice box was supposed to be.

Samuel didn't respond, he only stared up at the man.

"Ah, you must be confused" the man continued in a condescending tone, responding to Samuels silence, "but don't worry, I'll explain everything"

Samuel still only stared. His heart was pounding and he was sweating more than normal despite the cold air.

"I'm Guzantee, your friend Matias may have told you about me" he elaborated after what felt like an eternity.

Samuels eyes almost doubled in size and all the pain in his body was replaced with shock. This was Guzantee.

He saw a sinister smirk form on the man's face, making his ugly face somehow uglier.

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