Chapter 14 part 1

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Chapter 14 part 1


Weeks had passed since the new villains first few attacks and, oddly enough, there hadn't been any new ones. Repairs were pretty much done on Greenlake and today was Matias's first day back at work.

Of course after going unpaid for weeks, which him and Samuel alike thought was ridiculous, he was glad to not be deadpan broke. Though he couldn't deny he was upset at the fact that he wouldn't be seeing Samuel near as often.

While both of them weren't working Matias was practically living at Samuel's house. He'd go home for a day or two to grab new clothes and pull out some money to give Samuel, but other than that he was always there.

He had to hide his disappointment at going back to work, especially now that he was walking into the shop for the first time in a while.

He'd decided that since things were bound to be hectic he should show up earlier than normal, walking in around 6:40.

Considering his early arrival, he was surprised when Lexi greeted him at the door. She wasn't a fan of showing up early and she sure as hell wasn't a fan of busy days, so why in the world was she here so soon?

"Matias! I'm so happy to see you" she beamed before the door even closed behind him.

He was still processing what was said and who said it when Lexi practically teleported across the shop and latched herself onto him.

He stood dumbfounded for longer than he would've liked before he realized what was going on.

"Hey, Lexi" he finally replied, sounding a bit bland.

He put his hands awkwardly around her upper back, trying, and failing, at seeming less on edge.

"You need to give me your phone number or address or something" Lexi complained

She pulled away from Matias and looked at him like a mother lecturing her child.

Matias finally felt the stiff pain that Lexi had caused. She was a very touchy person, which didn't help Matias trying to hide his injuries. They had healed a bit over the last few weeks, but were still far from being fully healed.

"Yeah" Matias agreed, though he knew he wasn't going to.

He had went years avoiding giving her his information and he wasn't about to give that up now. He didn't have a problem with her, but he couldn't stand the thought of her being able contact him whenever.

"So why are you here so early" Matias questioned, finally walking away from the front door.

"I wanted to help organize everything. They weren't exactly generous with our stuff when repairing everything" She explained

Matias gave her a look before retreating behind the counter to see everything moved around. He did his best to grab what he needed for that days work, but was very clearly struggling to find it all.

Things in the shop had been organized a very specific way since he started working there and now just about everything was somewhere else.

When he finally found a pen he looked back up to see Meera staring at him with an oddly intense look on her face. She didn't seem upset just.. focused?

Matias chose to ignore their moment of awkward eye contact, but he could still feel Meera's gaze on him. Usually something like that wouldn't bother him, but he couldn't help but feel vulnerable.

He dragged his feet to the back, Meera's eyes following him all the way there. When Lexi saw him walk in she didn't miss a beat in starting conversation.

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