Chapter 1 Part 1

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Chapter 1 part 1


Running sucks. It especially sucks when you have no choice but to run. And it really, especially, sucks when you're running from some assholes with guns that you owe a lot of money to.

Matias couldn't say he was the most innocent person when it came to situations like these, otherwise he would just turn around and shoot back at them.

Matias is known by everybody in the city, plus many people outside of it. He is known as 'the villain'. Not a very creative name right? At least that's what Matias thought. Couldn't they come up with something with a little pizazz?

However, he wasn't worried about that right now. He was just an average member of society at the moment. These people were awfully easy to fool, he puts on a hood and a mask and he's a villain! But the second he takes it off not a person in the whole city recognizes him. The only issue is, when you owe people as much money as Matias does, they don't really care who you are.

Matias owed a shit load of money to a big, fat, asian man named Guzantee. Of course Guzantee wasn't the one chasing him- Matias would have escaped a while ago if it was- it was his little slaves. Of course they weren't actually his slaves, but that's exactly what they were in Matias's eyes.

Matias had been running from these pricks for a good 20 minutes, and if there's anything you need to know about Matias, it's that he hates running. His breathing was shaky and his lungs were punching at his ribs, begging for more air. Although his body was ready to shut down, he knew he had a plan, it was just delayed a few times.

On the side of one of the buildings, near the edge of the alley which led to a crowded, public sidewalk, there was a dumpster. Right above this dumpster is a ladder connected to the semi-tall building. Matias had discovered that this ladder was long unused and pretty fragile. If any more than one or two people got on it would undoubtedly break off the wall.

Matias desperately tried to get to the ladder, but his luck just had to be cursed. The first time he passed by it there was a worker emptying trash into the dumpster. The second time one of Guzantee's men were right on his tail and would definitely catch him while he tried to climb the ladder. Matias doubled back again to pass by it again.

Third times the charm is all Matias could think, running towards the alley. It had been made clear that if he didn't make it this time he wouldn't make it at all. He made the sharp turn towards the dumpster, not even checking for people or if it was safe.

The men chasing Matias were caught off guard by him running right at a public side walk, making their bodies pause for a few, very vital, seconds before realizing his plan.

He pulled himself onto the dumpster and begged his limbs to push through as he climbed up the ladder. The seconds of hesitation in the men allowed him to get near the top of the ladder before any of them reached the bottom step of it.

Matias climbed off the ladder and onto the roof, looking down for a split second before seeing multiple guns pointed at his face and retreating back onto the roof.

Just as he had predicted, multiple men got onto the ladder at once. The weight caused the ladder to come clean off the wall and now Matias just had to sneak down through the building and retreat home.

Guzantee's men were practically known for how they dress in such a way that screams 'hey! I'm in an illegal gang!' so if they were to make any attempt to go to the sidewalk the police would be on their ass in mere seconds.

"Assholes" Matias mumbled to himself through his huffing.

He was more then relieved to lay down on the roof, but that didn't stop his legs from aching and his lungs from starting a war with the air.

As much as he wanted to keep off his legs, he had some business with some prick at 6:30 and it was already 5:00. Matias really wasn't the type to show up sweaty and smelly to an arrangement, so he pried his body off the roof and started off of it.


Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! This is the first story I've ever written so any constructive criticism is very helpful ❤️

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