Ultima slowly drifts to sleep, and just as it begins to rest, it shoots awake when it notices that it is no longer with Winter. "What the-?" It asks, a side-sword with a larger than standard blade formed in it's hand. "There is nothing to worry about here, my old friend. I wish only to speak to you now that your reincarnation is out of the way," a resonating, haunting voice echoed through the abyssal darkness of his personal void. The familiar otherworldly, deep and rich voice brought a smile to Ultima's face. "Ashborn, how long has it been?" It asks, "Too long, Bolrath," he replied. Ashborn is a huge, muscular shadowy figure with glowing, flame-like purple hair, glowing purple eyes, two curved black horns, and sharp claws. He wore jet-black armor and a long smoky black cloak. "Why did you bring me here just to talk?" It asks, "The Monarchs, someone is speaking with them. Through the whispers of the void, Limbo came to me with urgency that you are in danger of their wrath-" Ashborn explained- "As your reincarnation is my new vessel, I'm sure you prefer to know about these dangers," he added. "What? Who could be speaking to the other Monarchs about us?" Bolrath asks, "A young woman, so I doubt it is Debris with how I remember her voice," he replied, "You're right. She wouldn't go to the Monarchs. She is a woman who would rather do it herself the right way rather than leave it to be done wrong by others-" Bolrath concentrated on everyone they know- "Tyler, that bitch!" It realized. "Who?" Ashborn asks, "She was someone who was obsessed with us. She has done evil things to us behind closed doors-" Bolrath began- "We beat her face into a wall, and I think we can all guess she wants revenge," it explained. "I see. She is one of those women," he replied. "Yes," Bolrath nods with a sigh. "Does anyone know you've reincarnated, or do they only suspect me?" Ashborn asks, "Only one, Debris, saw me once. Though I suspect she thought herself hallucinating-" Bolrath responded- "What happened for you to show yourself?" He asks, "My reincarnation is her last son. Her mortal husband suspected her infidelity, and treated both her and my reincarnation poorly-" Bolrath began- "She went crazy, and began spiraling. When she hit rock bottom, she saw us as the root of all of her problems," it explained. "She nearly killed us in our own damn crib, so I had no other option but to show myself," it added. "Nothing more?" Ashborn asks, "That was all it took, my presence alone saved our lives," It nods. "I'm glad to see you still alive, and your reincarnation growing stronger each moment in the day-" he responded- "But that might change if the Monarchs are convinced of my presence within this realm," Ashborn warned. "I understand, is that all you wanted to speak about?" Bolrath asks, "Yes, that's all. Be careful, my old friend," he nods. "Enjoy your retirement," It replied as his presence in the abyss fades, "I will," Ashborn laughs. With his presence gone, a handsome and muscular young man with gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features. Wearing dark colors, a black glove on his left hand, and with his right hand in his pocket. "Rev, do you have news for me?" Ashborn turns to face the man. "Yes, I came to inform you that Oblivion has arrived," he explained. "Good, hopefully he can explain what is happening," he steps towards Rev.

                Winter steps outside, getting ontop of his roof and sitting with his back up against the wall, "All of my work is starting to pay off," Winter thought, "I feel like I'm being rewarded in full for everything I've endured," he added. His slips crease, turning his solemn expression into a frown. "But, I'm nervous that I've crossed over the point of no return," Winter described his sensation of worry. He sighs, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. "I haven't checked my phone in a while-" he unlocked it and looked through the notifications- "Jeez, I have a ton of missed calls. If it's important, they'll probably call me back," he thought. "Sighting of a beast flying over Klato," he read, "Wait, that's Kaisel!" he thought, "Why are the reporters writing like that? 'Are the citizens safe'? There are plenty of Mythics in Klato to prevent mass death!" Winter reasoned. His Phone buzzed, and a notification popped up on his phone. "Hm?" He asked, watching a call notification go off. "Hullo?" Winter asks, answering it, "Mr. Greats, this is Mr. Sears-" he began- "Oh crap," Winter thought, "What's going on?" he asks, "I'm sure you heard already," Mr. Sears replied, "About?" Winter asks, "Have you not been watching the news?" He asks, "No. I've been busy with work and clearing dungeons," Winter replied. "Why don't I stop by tomorrow? Would it be alright to talk about this in person?" Mr. Sears asks, "Nah, I'll go to you. I'll be there right away," Winter explained, "If you say so," Mr. Sears laughed. Winter hung up, shoving his phone into his back pocket.

The Acknowledgement - Volume OneWhere stories live. Discover now