The Return of the Red's

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After what felt like days of fighting Amber was able to catch some downtime to return to her 'project.' During her freetime Amber has been keeping an eye out on Tornado and the other Red's location.

It had come to a stopping point and the three robots haven't moved for a while. Amber then sought to find more information about Red Tornado leading her to her reason for being on her motorcycle right now. Amber was on her way to Belle Rev to talk to an old rival of T.O. Morrow.

Another genius, Professor Ivo, the creator of Amazo.

Amber was able to get special access without the League or her Team knowing. She had talked to the Belle Rev Warden. And he agreed to let her come talk to Professor Ivo.

Upon arrival Amber was set up a room with Ivo.

"What do you want." Ivo sneered.

"What do you know about Morrow?" Amber's voice came out calm and collective.

Tch "And who wants to know. Oh, haha, is this because of big Red going rouge. Aww isn't that just adorable."

Despite the taunts Amber remained collective not showing an ounce of anger towards his words.

"You could say that, but tell me what do you know about Morrow."

Ivo blinked back in surprise at the girl's calmness and seemling uncaring attitude. It was as if the girl could care less if she got the information or not.

Seeing his silence Amber let out sigh.

"I guess I came here for nothing. And here I thought you might know something. I guess they were right." Amber glanced at Ivo, her tone becoming dark and cold.

"You are nothing, you don't hold a spec to T.O. Morrow. How disappointing."

Amber then got up to leave but was stopped when Ivo spoke.

"How dare you! I am far more superior than Morrow! I created far more better androids than he ever could. Amazo, ha, he outplayed all of Morrow's creations. Wanting to try and infiltrate the Justice League with his pathetic creations trying to make them almost human. But guess what they all failed."

The man laughed like a maniac.

But it didn't matter Amber got what she needed.

"Well than I thank you for your time." Door opened as Amber left leaving the mad scientist.

Before leaving Belle Rev, Amber was stopped by Warden Strange.

"Ms. Amber I do hope your trip was a success."

Amber observed Strange seeing suspicious cover him. It was obvious to Amber that Strange was not at all who he said he was.

'He's probably some lackey or being bribed.' tch. 'Typical.'

Amber let her voice come out disappointed as she said, "Sadly not Ivo was not willing to give me the information. I guess this trip was for nothing. I do thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Amber could see the man's lips twitch ever so slightly.

'Guess he bought the act.'

"Well yes of course, anything for the heroes of Earth."

Sending his regards Amber left.


Amber checked her trackers, the three still blinking red. Amber was on her way to them right now.

After figuring out the gist of Morrow's plan Amber quickly made her way over to Yellowstone mountain.

Thanks to Ivo and knowing where the Red's were located Amber knew that Morrow's objective was to kill the Justice League. And with the location of the Red's Amber had a feeling it dealt with a certain volcano.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang