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When Amber opened her eyes she was greeted by a large room filled with books and a massive screen. Amber lowered her gaze to be greeted by a number of different individuals. All with different outfits, some a bit too bright for her taste.

When she was with the avengers most of them stuck with more stealth outfits that didn't exactly stick out. Here, it was different for everyone. Not that Amber was judging or anything her outfit probably wasn't any better. Amber just stuck with the outfit she had arrived in just a bit altered to fit her better. She also wore the mask she wore when she came here.

Amber then took notice of a group of younger people. She assumed these were the 'Sidekicks' she would be working with. Amber took a good look at each of them trying to get an idea of what they were like. Don't get her wrong, before coming here Amber made sure to learn about the Heroes of this Earth along with their sidekicks or proteges. Though it had become a bit difficult seeing the number of heroes and sidekicks, Amber made sure to remember everyone of them along with what they did and what they were. After all, information was key.

All of a sudden a gust of wind flew by her before one of the sidekicks she was just examining was standing right in front of her. When Amber finally got a look at who it was she remembered who he was.

'Ah, Kid Flash. The speedster, sidekick to the Flash' Amber recalled.

The said speedster then spoke up to greet her and introduced her to the other protegees, "Hey, I'm Kid Flash, that's Robin, Aqualad, and last but not certainly least Speedy," pointing to each one.

Turning back to her, Kid Flash stared at her in silence as if waiting for something. Not knowing what that something was Amber just stood there in silence when Fate nudged her a bit and then nodded his head to the others in a silent 'introduce yourself.' Understanding what he meant Amber introduced herself.

"Amber," was all that was heard from the girl's voice.

Kid Flashed just smiled at the girl, "Well Amber welcome to the gang." He then continued to drag the girl over to the group. Amber not knowing what to do, let herself be dragged along by the noisy teenager.

Kid Flash then started to converse with the group introducing them to Amber. "Everyone meet Amber," Kid Flash gestured his hand to the girl to give it emphasis. Amber was then greeted by nods from each of them.

Batman then feeling satisfied returned to the matter at hand. "Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four Ice Villains attacking on the same day." He then turns to the teens, "We shouldn't take long." A camera then popped out analyzing each of the Justice Leauge members.


Batman 0-2

Aquaman 0-6

Flash 0-4

Green Arrow 0-8

Martian Manhunter 0-7

Red Tornado 1-6

Doctor Fate 1-7

The door then opens revealing Justice League Members Only written on it.

"That's it," Speedy speaks out gaining attention from everyone including Amber. "You promised a real look inside, not a glorified backstage." Speedy's tone was laced with anger and frustration.

"It's a first step," Aquaman speaks up. "You've been granted access few others get."

Aquaman's reply however did nothing to calm the boy.

"Oh really?" Speedy then proceeded to point at all the people behind the glass wall. Amber having noticed the number of people looked away in distaste. Amber did not like people, she was very anti-social and found crowds to be very uncomfortable. Speedy then continued to speak, "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now