Another Day, Another Battle

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Amber watched from the sidelines as Robin and Aqualad sparred.

Yin and Yang the panther cubs were by Amber as the two tosspled with one another as if mimicking Robin and Aqualad.

After their meeting mission Amber had decided to keep the two panther cubs. Yin was the black female panther with wings. And Yang was the white male panther with two large fangs.

As Amber observed the spar she was able to get map out a better idea of their fighting styles.

It was interesting to say the leaset. Robin was more flexible making it easier for him to dodge and evade while making low blows.

Aqualad had the bigger build making him a bit slower than Robin but sure enough still quick. What he lacked in with speed and flexibility he made up with his skills and strength.

A few feet away Captain Marvel was munching on some of Wally's snacks with Giovanni Zatara standing next to him. Zatara was their new designated babysitter. But for some reason Captain Marvel had chosen to stick around.

The spar came to an end at the arrival of M'gann, Superboy and Wolf.

Amber headed over to Aqualad and Robin.

Robin then leaned into whisper, "You know they're a couple, right?"

"I believe I knew before they did." The three stared at the couple as they walked on by.

Another pair of footsteps could be heard as the three turned aroun to see Artemis and Wally.

"Do we tell them?"

"It is not our place."

Amber let out a small roll of her eyes from behind her shaded sunglasses.

'Why do I feel like this has become one of those dating apps?'

"So if Zatara is our babysitter of the week, why is he still here? And why is he eating my snacks?"

An automated voice sounded off telling them that the Zeta Tubes were being activated.


Batman 0-2

Batman appeared out of the Zeta Tube.

"Computer National News."

A holoscreen popped up showing a reporter.

"The initial attack was short-lived, but Metropolis was only granted a short reprieve."

Green planets were seen attacking the city.

"And despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice League there seems to be no end in sight."

Robin then spoke, "Should we get out there?"

"No. The League will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I'm here. According to your intel Sportsmater supplied Cadmus' Blockbuster formula to Kobra."

Wally then added "Who combined it with Bane's venom to create Kobra Venom."

Followed by Robin, "Which the Brain used to create his animal army."

Then Superboy and Amber, "And upgrade Wolf." "And to create hybrids like Yin and Yang."

M'gann then continued, "The Brain also used inhibitor collars like the ones at Belle Reve Penitentiary."

Finally it was Artemis's turn, "Batman, is it possible that plant thingy's on Kobra venom too?"

"I had Green Lantern run a spot analysis. Divine cellulose does contain trace amounts of Kobra venom variant."

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