Decisions/Today's The Day

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Continuing her walk down Gotham City, it wasn't long before it was interrupted by a group of robbers robbing a nearby store.

Letting out a sigh Amber could only roll her eyes in annoyance. 'Why did I choose to live here again?'

Shaking her head Amber continued on her walk.

'It won't be long before the Bat gets here anyway. Oh, and his little sidekick.'

Right on the clock too. Amber felt two presences nearby as she looked from the corner of her eye to see a man dressed in all black like a bat. And alongside him was a younger boy with a black cape with yellow underneath and a red and black suit.

Halting in her step Amber decided to watch the scenes unfold.

'Maybe this will help determine what I should do...or not'

Watching both Robin and Batman fight Amber was strangely reminded of the two people she had met at Wayne Tower.

Not wanting to bother with the hassle she waved the thought off for later.

As the fight went on Amber could feel her body twitch in anticipation of adrenaline wanting to course through her as the thrill of the fight excited her body.

Around her the shadows seemed to shift in movement irregularly, Amber's eyes would switch from a glowing red to her natural corn blue eyes.

It became official now. Amber needed to get back in this fight and she needed some help in getting control of her powers.


Amber was early to arrive at the cafe as she went to sit down and wait for Nelson. Thankfully she didn't have to wait long. Hearing the bell ding signaling the arrival of a customer Amber looked up to see a smiling Kent Nelson.

"I see you have made your choice?"


"Excellent! Now if you'll grab my hand we can head to the tower immediately." Nelson outstretched his hand in waiting as Amber gazed at it momentarily before grasping it.

'No going back now.'


About a year had passed since accepting Nelson's offer. Here in the Tower of Fate, it was always quiet and peaceful. It was a nice experience. And through these years Amber found it quite surprising, that after all these years she had just thought the abilities she had were given to her by Hydra from all the experiments they had performed on her. But according to Fate it wasn't entirely true.

When Fate told her that there was more to them, he officially took her under his wing and taught her more about her ability and how to better control it. So yes, you could describe their relationship as mentor and student.

Over the months Amber learned many things about the Tower of Fate like how it was actually in a way alive. Amber would meditate in the tower as Nabu would guide her through the different practices.

Nowadays Amber spent her days training her abilities-both her magical ones and her fighting skills, as well as learning about this Earth and magic from the books that lay in the tower. She did a lot more than usual recently too as today was the day she would be meeting the sidekicks of the other heroes of earth. When Amber first found out about this little get-together, Amber was not too pleased, but she kept silent about it and accepted it. Fate had told her that she would be working with other kids around her age and that together they would become a team.

So for the past year Amber kept to training, learning about this Earth, and to her job as a model.

After recalling all that had happened the past year or so Amber got ready to go meet up with her new 'team' if that is what you would call it. Amber was still not pleased to be working with other people around her age. It meant having to deal with troublesome children and Amber was not a fan of the idea.

Later on, Fate called her to come over so that they may leave to go and meet the others. Amber stood next to Fate as he did his little magic and in a flash of light, they were gone.


"Oh, man! I knew we'd be the last ones here." A boy dressed in a yellow suit covering his entire body with goggles resting on top said in exaggeration.

Before Kid Flash and a group of others who could be assumed to be the other heroes of this Earth. They all walked down to a building that read Hall of Justice. As the group made their way there the crowd had gone wild shouting out to them.

"Is that Batman?" someone from the crowd spoke, directing it towards the tall man dressed in black and what to be a bat suit.

"I see Flash and Flash Jr." another shouted out.

"His name is Speedy. Duh." another corrected the person who shouted.

"No Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick." A male had corrected.

"Well, that makes no sense." A person answered

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" A man dressed in all green, with arrows strapped to his back asked the younger male standing next to him who was named Green Arrow. The younger male's outfit was quite similar to that of Robin, as the boy told in stories as someone who stole from the rich to give to the poor.

"Born Ready," Speedy said.

"I'm glad we're all here," this time it was a boy around the same age as Speedy said. He had white hair and wore what looked like some type of suit made for underwater. Aqualad.

"Have all four Sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash asked looking towards the youngest of the group aka Robin. (The actual Robin).

"Don't call us Sidekicks" Speedy called out, "not after today."

Kid Flash only smiled, "Sorry. First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anybody ever just whelmed?" Robin asked as they entered the door of the Hall.

"Oh. Maybe that's why." Robin replied staring up at the statues of the founding Justice League members.

As the group walked further in they reached the door that slid open revealing a man with green skin aka Maritan Manhunter, alongside him, stood Red Tornado.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash," Martian says, "Welcome." He greeted before continuing, "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gallery, and of course our library." Martian said giving the group a layout of the place. In front of the group now stood a massive library with a massive computer.

Flash then turned to the group, "Make yourselves at home."

Batman then turned to the group, "Before we get started though there will be one more joining you all today." Surprise flashed into the teens faces at the statement.

'Another one'

"Who is it," Robin asked curiosity getting the best of him.

Batman looked towards Robin, "Doctors Fate's protegee." All of a sudden a bright light was seen in the room before it left leaving two figures standing side by side.

"Everyone, meet Amber, your other teammate."

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