A New Beginning

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It was a bright sunny day, well as bright as it could get in the city of Gotham. Amber was on business. She was scheduled for her next shooting here.

'The fact that they would schedule a model in the most dangerous city is unbelievable.'

To make it all worse right after it she had a charity event to go to that's being hosted by the one and only, Bruce Wayne.

Arriving at the set Amber was greeted by makeup artists, the dresser, and the other staff. Once the staff had gotten Amber ready, she went to go and start the shoot.


Pictures were taken as Amber posed for each one of them.

Not bothering to focus Amber's thoughts drifted as she remembered how this all happened in the first place.

A bright light appeared in a deep and dark alleyway. A portal opened and out came a mysterious girl dressed in an all-black suit. Weapons strapped to her on all sides.

A groan came from the girl signaling that she was waking up from her unconscious state. With a few movements and twitches of her body, the girl raised her arms to sit up from the ground.

The girl's eyes opened flashing a dangerous red before returning to her natural cornflower blue eyes.

Amber looked around to see that she was in an unfamiliar area. Standing up she edged near the wall to the edge of the alley.

The end of the alley revealed a gloomy city full of lights. If Amber didn't know any better she would have thought she was Las Vegas but something about here didn't feel right.

This place felt more dangerous, it felt like there were millions of eyes on her. It raised Amber's guard to the max.

Deciding that it wasn't the best idea to be strolling around here in a suit still full of bloodstains, Amber stuck to the shadows as she ventured into this unfamiliar city.


One thing had become clear to Amber during her search. She was not in Hungary. It was the last place Amber was for her assignment before that strange box teleported her here.

Speaking of the box Amber had discovered that it also disappeared alongside the portal that brought her here.

What exactly it was Amber still didn't know besides that it was the reason she was here.

Not only had it become clear that she was not in Hungary but she was no longer on Earth. Well her Earth.

Amber's best guess is that it was a type of alternate dimension. She remembered overhearing Bruce and Tony talking about the theory of it but they had both dropped it as Tony had said it wasn't real.

A small smirk appeared on her face at the thought of Tony being wrong.

But what gave away that she wasn't on Earth was the information she had gained from reading some local newspapers and listening to the conversations of some civilians. Not to mention learning where she was: Gotham City.

Amber had memorized many cities and countries particularly those that were in America, and never has she heard the city name Gotham.

Plus what helped even more was discovering that this 'Earth' had superheroes just like hers. At first Amber thought she was just forgetting about a city named Gotham but once she learned about this Earth's superheroes Amber was sure.

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