Now You See Me, Now You Don't

Start from the beginning

"I mean with the whole mysterious thing the both of them have going on and-uh-stuff." Artemis says justifying her reasons.

"Well if it were Kaldur and Amber, I'm sure they'd make an excellent couple. Kaldur and his leadership skills, the way he looks after all of us. In a way just like Amber does."

"Oh, you noticed that too."

M'gann lets out a small chuckle. "Yeah, Amber may not look like it, but she's always looking out for all of us. Though I don't think she realizes that herself."

The two laughed at their friends unique behaivor. Their conversation somehow turning from coupling to Amber's love life and now to Amber's behaivor.

Kaldur and Superbpy continue their spar the two charging at each other. Superboy with his bigger build gets his arms on the Atlantean's shoulder blades, before getting his boot behind Aqualad's barefoot and throwing him over his shoulder onto his rear.

"Fail: Aquald," A screen popping up beside him in red.

"Black Canary taught me that," Superboy huffed out in pride.

A hole in the ceiling opens up revealing Red Tornado as he comes down landing onto the ground, gaining everyone's attention.

Wally speeds up in front of Red, "Do you have a mission for us?"

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility," tornado responds.

"Yeah. Well, the Batman is with Robin, doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham," Wally says back.

"But you're heading somewhere, right? Hot date or a mission."

"If we can be of help..." Aqulad speaks up countering Wall'y rudeness with politeness.

Tornado looks over the team for a moment, then he turns and calls up the HoloScreen. "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old."

"Guy doesn't look a day over ninety," Wally comment in Artemis direction."

"And he has been missing for twenty-three days Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society."

Kent's picture dissolved tuning into Doctor Fate.

"Of course. Nelson was Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He was Doctor Fate," Kaldur realized.

"Pfft. More like Doctor Fake, guy knows a little advanced science and Dumbledore's it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes," Wally whispers to Artemis.

Tornado turns to the team again. "Kent may just be on one of his...walkabouts, but he is the caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, the source of Doctor's mystic might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded."

"He's like the great sorcerer-priestesses of Mars, I would be honored to help find him," M'gann speaks up, drawing everyone's attention at the mention of her planet.

Wally's hand instantly shoots up, "Me too. So honored, I can barely stand it."

Artemis glares at him recalling his previous words.

Wally is quick to come up with another excuse though, knowing the perfect one.

"Besides isn't a certain someone his protege?"

A look of remembrance crosses everyone's face as they remembered that Amber was the protogee of Doctor Fate.

M'gann is suddenly looking around the room in search of something. A disappointing look coming across her face when she didn't find it or her.

"But where is Amber?"

Everyone looked around, but the girl was nowhere in sight.

"Worry not, Amber is most likely fine." Tornado says, reassuring the others.

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now