“Who are you?” Superboy’s attention was then set on the mysterious girl who spoke out.

“I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish…to destroy him should he turn from the light.”

‘That was Cadmus speaking not you. I was asking who you were,’ Amber wanted to say but kept her mouth closed.

“To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus.”

Aqualads words seem to only anger the boy. “I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!”

“Your home is a test tube,” Amber says keeping her voice calm and gentle. “This is no home, it is merely a place to keep you. To them, you are nothing but a weapon, a tool to be used. You do not call a place that uses you a home.” As harsh as Amber’s words were to Superboy they were very much so true. Cadmus was no home.

“We can show you the Sun.”

“Uh, pretty sure it’s after midnight, but we can show you the moon.” Kid offered.

“We can show you, introduce you to Superman.” Superboy’s eyes widen ever so slightly at the idea.

“No, they can’t.” Desmond appears from behind the doors walking towards the teens along with Guardian and a female scientist. “They’ll be otherwise occupied.” Desmond looked to the scientist, “Activate the cloning process.”

“Pass!” Robin speaks up. “Batcave’s crowded enough.”

“And get the weapon back into its pod.” Desmond demanded Guardian.

Superboy looks to the four teens when Desmond goes on about how he wasn’t a real boy and he was nothing more than a weapon that belonged to Cadmus.

“Now get back to your pod.”

As Superboy leaves Amber’s words to ring through his head. ‘To them, you are nothing but a weapon a tool to be used. You do not call a place that uses you a home.’

Amber notices prongs come out of the top as they approach her. The prongs then stick themselves into her chest with an electrical buzz. Grunts of pain came out of her mouth as well as the others. Amber quickly goes to finish freeing herself. 

Just as Amber finished freeing herself, the doors were suddenly torn off, and appeared Superboy. He walked toward the teens tossing the three blocking his way to the wall.

As soon as that was done Amber's pod opens up letting her free.

“Are you here to save us or fry us?” Superboy only narrowed his eyes at the three boys, “Huh. I don’t seem to have Heat Vision, so I suppose helping is my only option.” Amber made her way over to stay hidden in the shadows to go do some scouting. She deemed the boys would be able to get out fine without her help, plus Superboy was with them. What could go wrong?

As Amber went on ahead to scout, Robin had finally gotten himself out.

“Ahh finally,” he says while rubbing his wrists. “Lucky Batman isn’t here. He’d have my head for taking so long.”

“Seriously, that’s what you worried about?” KF deadpans. “The whole League will have our heads after tonight.” Robin goes to hit one of the buttons on the control station opening the pod doors to Aqualad and KF. “Get Aqualad, and Amber. I’ll get Kid Mouth.” 

“Don’t you give me orders either?” He rips off Aqualad restraints, “Thank you.”. He turns to go help Amber when he sees she’s not there. “Wasn’t there another one of you?” The question appears from Superboy’s mouth directed towards the three now freed boys. 

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now