Ch.12 "Magic Tea"

Start from the beginning

"Are you two done whispering? I can barely hear you."

When I tell you that I almost slapped him I'm not lying.

He gave us a confused but trying to look innocent look.

I asked him, "So...what is the princess's plan? What does she want?"

"I already told you, didn't I?"

"Francis, I'll kick your face if you keep stalling."

"That's fine, I'm cool with it."

The fact that he literally can't lie right now is... something.

He confessed, "Well...fine. She wants to break Garmadon out of prison and help him rule Ninjago. But that wouldn't happen if you and your cute little boyfriend kept ruining things so-" he slapped his hand onto his mouth, trying to stop speaking as if he said too much.

Master Wu just poured him another cup and kept a smile on his face.

Francis sighed and put his hand away and reached for the cup with the other. "Damn it, I don't want to drink it but it's too delicious."

Finally, Master Wu's tea making abilities have come to help us.

Who would've known this day would come?

Francis drank the tea in one shot as if he was drinking alcohol.

He told Master Wu to pour him some more but Master Wu told him he ran out of this tea flavor.

Master Wu whispered to me, "He drank my entire stock of this tea. And you kids tell me that I have a tea problem."

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Francis asked.

"Nothing, you can go to hell." I didn't even care if that sounded harsh, he deserved it. "Continue."

"Continue what?"

"Your damn info-dumping."

"Oh okay." He stared sadly at his empty cup then spoke, "Rumi's plan won't work if you two kept ruining it together. Seriously, just break up! Please!"

I let out a big sigh.

God, why did you bring him back?

Then I got an idea.

Breakup...they want us to breakup so we wouldn't work together to stop them...

I asked, "Why do you need us in your plan?"

"Well, only your boyfriend knows where Garmadon is imprisoned, right? He's not in Kryptarium prison, right?"

He's both right and wrong. Garmadon was in a special prison cell built under Kryptarium prison, but nobody knows about it because it was too dangerous to let people know that he's still alive, they might cause a riot and try to kill him.

"Right, he's not in Kryptarium," I lied. So they need Lloyd to find Garmadon because even I don't know the exact location of Garmadon's cell.

Lloyd wouldn't show them the way...only if he was tricked into it. I know for a fact that he wouldn't say a thing even if he was forced to, but a moment of stupidity would make him do that.

Perhaps if he thought he could trust the person...

Wait, the princess...

Oh shit, she's coming for my man! Hell no!

"Your green hoodie man and the princess would make a very bad couple, but I don't have the right to object against it," Francis said, and he looked pretty annoyed by the idea.

So it's true. My conclusion was true.

But what do I do? I whispered, "Master Wu, I need help. What do I do?"

He whispered back, "He's a chatty one. And he knows some stuff. I think we should keep him with us."

"What about Lloyd?"

"You need to go. Tell him."

The princess won't let me...

Unless...she thought I was following her plan.

Oh my god, I'm a genius.

I said, aloud enough for Francis to hear, "Lloyd and I are having problems, but we wouldn't break up!"

"Wait, really? Why? You seemed okay last time I saw you," Francis said, surprised.

"That's none of your business. Now tell me how to get into the palace."

He gave me a weird look.

Master Wu whispered to me, "I think the tea effect is gone. Be careful."

"Well," he surprisingly spoke, "There's a ball a few days away. Also...I'd like to be returned to the palace or else I won't help you out."

"Why are you even helping me out?"

He stared somewhere, nowhere, and said, "Let's just say I'm tired of the princess bossing me around for the past three years."

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