Chapter 8 - Oh no you didn't.

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"The food fight in the cafeteria, the escalation at the brawler farewell and wild calves making the school grounds unsafe, to name just a few things! Mr. Nightingale, you are in big trouble!"

Pale hands, covered in wrinkles and age spots, but still surprisingly strong, unloaded a stack of papers as high as a skull onto the rustic desk, as violently as if they were trying to cause an earthquake.

"Oh crap!" muttered the little black-haired boy who was sitting in the chair across from Principal Gale Snowflake's desk, looking at the said sizable stack of files on his many school crimes. "I thought there would be more!"

The director gave Bull an annoyed look before continuing.

"And today the brawler chaos in the schoolyard because of a bat invasion?!"

"It was Morti's birthday present. He liked it!"

"Mr. Nightingale, I now ask you to make a decision. Either you will be expelled from school forever with immediate effect."


"Or you represent my - er - I mean our school at the Brawler Games this year."

Wait! What in all star's name was he supposed to do?!

"Wow, wow, wow, I thought only the most talented Brawlers would be sent to this event!"

Principal Gale looked sternly over the rims of his glasses at the cheeky boy.

"Either you get kicked out or you win a champion pin for our school. Professor Starr will accompany you – assuming you agree, Mr. Nightingale?"

Cold eyes, marked by disdain, stared challengingly at Bull. So that's what it was all about. Sam Starr was a popular teacher who worked for the welfare of the students. It was also thanks to him that they were treated or at least checked out after a brawl. Director Gale disliked him and relished any opportunity to embarrass Sam. Like going to the brawler games with the most difficult student in school.

It would be best not to have such directors anymore and the school was already looking forward to Mr. Gale's retirement.

Bull certainly wouldn't allow him to embarrass his favourite teacher because of his difficult temperament - just as he wouldn't want to be kicked out of school.

So, there was only one option. He casually leaned back in his chair and looked challengingly into the director's ice-cold eyes.

"I accept! And I AM going to win this champion pin!"


"Are you sure you can control yourself in there? I don't want to negatively influence your impression, but the brawler games are... a bit smug, noble and... stuffy."

"Honestly: no," replied Bull.

The hand-to-hand combat teacher Sam, popular with the students but hated by the director, and the smart, excellent, but also difficult troublemaker Bull stood together in front of the entrance to the impressive hall. Many small stands would be waiting for Bull within the four walls. Each stand had its own task. There were jewel hunts, Brawlball, questions about brawling or the history of brawling and certainly many other tricky exercises.

"All the fire, explosions and boring questions are driving me wild! It's like in class: I can't sit still anymore; I must get up and fight!"

"That's just you! Nervousness is an active nervous system and the will and willingness to fight are important values ​​of a brawler! You'll also be able to do it easily if you can now sit through a normal lesson. You will also have the opportunity to fight. My suggestion: control your temper until then and then really let it out!"

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