Chapter 1 - Jess will fix it!

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The sound of her alarm clock snapped her out of her dream. She ran her hand sleepily over her face and yawned. But one look at the face of the self-assembled clock on her bedside table changed everything and she quickly left her bed and sprinted into the bathroom.

Jessy Peverell. A fifteen-year-old girl, a bit small for her age, with freckles on her button nose and thick red hair that always did whatever it wanted when it wasn't tied into two pompous pigtails with lots of thin elastics. She inherited her unruly hair from her mother, Pam. Her actual name was Pamela Peverell, but no one really called her that.

At the moment Pam was standing at the stove in the kitchen, not to cook on it, but to experiment with it with a pipe wrench. She had also passed on her skill with tools and machines to her wonderful, clever daughter and together they had already constructed several robots for the Star Park. Smiling, Pam raised her head as her little girl slid down the double-winding staircase from the first floor into the kitchen.

"You're late darling."

"I know, sorry mom. I must not have heard the alarm right away!"

Before she made her way to the kitchen, Jess had doubled the volume on her alarm clock to make sure she wouldn't make that mistake again.

"You had an exciting dream, didn't you?"

Pam's attention was back to the stove, the panels of which she had removed to tinker with the smaller metal parts. So, she didn't notice that Jessie turned red, lowered her head, and didn't answer.

"Breakfast is on the table, lunch is in the bag and dinner is in the fridge, as always."

"Thank you, Mama."

Jessie sat down melancholy at the oak kitchen table, which was actually far too big for just two people if it hadn't also been a place to store all the tools, sketch plans and spare parts, and ate her cereal.

She smiled as she chewed when she discovered heart-shaped pieces of apple inside. Since she started high school and was able to ride her bike there and back, her mother went back to work full-time. Although she wanted to be a doctor, she really enjoyed working as a mechanic for pretty much anything that was even remotely mechanical, and since she was a single parent, she was able to earn a lot more and finance expensive birthday presents and school trips for her daughter like the other parents of the school children. Nevertheless, she got up early so that she could continue cooking for her daughter.

Jessie closed her eyes and swallowed the last bit of her breakfast. Her mom tried her hardest to give her a fantastic life even without a father and she was eternally grateful for that. That was one of the reasons why she tried so hard at school. She wanted to achieve excellence and show her mother that she had done everything right in raising her daughter. Jess particularly wanted to shine in biology because she planned to study medicine so that she could become a doctor herself.

After she finished eating, she grabbed her backpack, said goodbye to her mother and stormed into the garage to her bike. Like her alarm clock and many other things, she had put it together herself and was very proud of it. She quickly got into the saddle and cycled the short distance to school.

Her route to school reminded her again and again of that of a small Japanese town in an anime: cherry trees lined the banks of a quietly rushing river that flowed alongside the bike path. What's more, this morning the sun's rays conjured up silver crowns on the delicate waves and a fresh spring breeze plucked occasional pink petals from the branches of the trees to make them dance in the air. It was such a beautiful, peaceful, dreamy sight that Jessie almost forgot her dream from last night as she drove under the cherry trees in the early morning.

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