Chapter: Twenty Eight

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*I could have sworn that I scheduled this to post on Friday so I'm not sure why it didn't. Anyway here it is.*

*If the text looks like this it's either in another language and I didn't feel like translating it or it's a thought. It should be pretty easy to figure out which one it it.*

Everyone drives to school together in Clint's jeep with the doors removed since it's a really nice day today. They refused to let Clint drive of course. They swear it's like he's blind not deaf. The last, and only time, he drove them all anywhere he almost hit a person, ran two red lights, swerved into oncoming traffic, and drove onto a curb. After that he was lucky to ever be allowed to sit in the front at all. Nat's driven with him after that and it's not typically that bad but it's not good either so if there's someone else available to drive that's who does it.

 They stop and pick up Laura, making Clint climb into the back as he grumbles about not having a seat in his own car, before stopping at Dunkin. They decide to go in so that Laura can change into the suit Clint brought for her. Nat joins her as these things fit like a glove and are quite difficult to figure out the first couple times.

Everyone else stands at the counter, in their suits since they took the sweats on top of them off in the car, looking at the menu. They don't typically get breakfast from here so they have no idea what they want.

Nat and Larua come back just as they are about to order, Clint wolf whistling as he sees them. "Now Clint that's just disrespectful. Your girlfriend is right here." The red head jokes as she messes up the boys hair, which he glares at her for before turning back to Laura

"Your gonna need to keep that suit for a little while." He whispers into here ear

"No!" Maria shouts with out thinking drawing even more attention to them. People have already been looking at them since they walked in thanks to their attire. She gets closer to the two and whisper yells at Clint "You are not doing any freaky things in my suit. That is my spare. I might have to wear that again."

Clint backs up with his hands raised in surrender, laughing lightly at the short haired brunettes angry face. "Stop fuckin with her." Nat warns "I'll get one made for you."

"What you have a suit guy?" Clint questions smirking. She always has a guy that does something.

"I have a everything guy. But this one just so happens to be a woman." 

 They order a box of munchkins for Nat, Maria, and Laura. Clint gets a bacon egg and cheese sandwich. Carol get's a cinnamon roll. And Nat hurriedly places and order for an egg white veggie wrap for Sharon who says she's not hungry when Carol asked for her order. It's the healthiest thing there and Nat threatens to shove it down her throat if she has to. They all get iced coffee, except for Clint who gets a blue raspberry coolatta. 

They all get in their seats once again, Clint happily climbs into the truck now that he has his special drink, and drive to school. The parking lot is filled with cars. It looks as though every student showed up today. There are multiple people dressed as Superman walking towards the building, their red capes blowing behind them. Supergirl's and different hero's of students own making. Though there doesn't seem to be a single Wonder Woman. As Pepper walks up to them with her squad they realize why. She's dressed as the brunette heroine.

"Who are you two supposed to be?" She questions only focusing on Nat and Sharon, completely ignoring the others

"I'm the... White Canary." Sharon lies as she notices the entire group is dressed as DC heroes.

"Oh that's so cool! I'm the Black Canary." Bobbie says excitedly before forcing her face to rest as the strawberry blonde glares at her

 "And you are?" Pepper asks looking at Nat

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