Maria Hill

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Maria Hill born in Chicago, Illinois

Maria's Mother died giving birth to her causing her Father Ed to blame Maria for her death. Ed hated her and abused Maria both mentally and physically. 

Due to the abuse Maria became cold and troubled and started hanging out with some bad people. The gang taught her different forms of fighting and ways to defend herself. Maria stopped showing up to school and hung out with the gang instead. They stole from stores and broke into cars. Maria got really close with one of the members and the leader of the gang's daughter. So they finally showed her what they really do. They ran an underground dealership. They smuggled drugs and weapons all around the country. Maria didn't know what else to do so she joined them.

This caused her to get on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar. They caught her and she gave up information on the gang. They were going to lock her up but Director Fury decided to take in the 13 year old girl. He kept her safe and eventually adopted her. She moved in with him and his other two daughters Carol and Sharon. They all got along but the other two had already formed a bond and Maria felt left out.

She is now 16 and since all the gang members have been caught she is finally starting public high school. 

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