Chapter: Twenty

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Yelena sits on her bed glumly as she watches Melina put her things away in the extra dresser Fury brought up for her to use. Though she's glad her moms here she wishes that for once Alexi would actually do what he's promised to.

"He really wanted to be here you know." Melina explains once she's finished, sitting on the bed next to her

"Then why isn't he? What else was so important?" Yelena questions disbelieving

"I don't know. He was supposed to meet me at the plane but he never showed." Melina says honestly

"He never does." Yelena says sadly

"Yelena he loves you very much. Both of you." She says to Nat, who's standing in the door way, pulling the teen to sit on the bed next to her "He just has a lot of other things always going on that pull him away. He's probably trying right now to get to here."

Yelena still doesn't look convinced as the scowl stays placed on her face. Melina looks to Nat for help.

"She's right. I'm sure he'll get here as soon as he can. He has a whole week." Nat agrees reluctantly

The scowl on Yelena's face finally forms into a small smile as she hears her sister agree, knowing how much the older girl dislikes Alexei

"You really think so." Yelena asks hopefully

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so." Nat replies "Now if you'll excuse me I have a sleep over to get ready for."

Nat leaves the room shutting the door behind her

"I can't believe Nick said yes to this sleep over. Last time he was very angry. He is so confusing." Yelena huffs as she shakes her head

Melina puts on a fake smile as she sits there worried about what they are going to tell Yelena when Alexei still doesn't arrive in a couple days.


"Hey Nick can I ask you a favor?" Nat asks, entering the kitchen

Fury looks up from his brownie mix he's whisking while wearing his #1 S.H.I.E.L.D. Dad apron the kids got him last year as a joke (He loves it and wears it every time he cooks).

"Depends. Is it a threat to national security type favor or a can you make one of your delicious pasta dishes for my sleepover type favor?" Nick questions

"Leaning more towards the first one. Though I would not be opposed to the second."

"What do you need?" He asks

"Access to the S.H.I.E.L.D. data base trackers to find Alexei." Nat mutters

"Do you know how much trouble I would get in with the council for that shit?" Nick asks before imagining how mad they will be "Yeah you can use it."

He enters S.H.I.E.L.D. on his watch, using retinal scanners to open the data base. Goes to the tracking software and adds Romanoff to the agents allowed access.

"Thank you." Nat says, leaving the kitchen to go to the basement

"The shit I do for these kids." Nick shakes his head knowing he just gave the whereabouts of every agent, political party, and area of every potential threat on earth to a teenager


"I can't believe you talked me into this." Sharon complains, holding her arms close to her chest as her and Nat walk through the freezing cold streets of Russia

"Told you that you could stay in the jet." Nat huffs

"But what if someone gets in?" Sharon whines

"It's invisible." Nat replies annoyed

"Still I'm not going to be in this foreign country alone." Sharon says making a face of disgust

"You're hanging out with those snobby bitches to much." Nat mumbles "He's close. It says he should be in this building." Nat says looking at the watch on her arm

When the Red Room was taken down S.H.I.E.L.D gained access to all their files. Including software that holds the trackers the KGB implanted into all their agents. Alexei most likely has no idea there is even a tracker in his arm.

The two teens walk into a run down looking bar filled with people. Guys whistle at them as they enter making the girls cringe in disgust. The teens see lots of people crowded in the corner around a pool table, two strong looking men (one much bigger then the other) in the middle arm wrestling.

"Is that all you got." One says in an arrogant tone Nat could recognize anywhere

He pushes the bigger mans arm down so far and hard he screams in pain.

"Oh look at the big bear." He says with fake compassion

Nat pushes her way through the crowd, Sharon following closely behind her with her hand gripping the red heads shirt tightly which annoys her given the fact she knows the blonde could hold her own against a group of at least three of the men surrounding them, even with her injury.

"Could I have a go?" Nat asks narrowing her eyes, pissed this is what caused him to miss seeing his 'kids'

"Natasha?" Alexei asks with worry in his voice "What are you doing here?"

"Oh your about to find out." Nat says threateningly narrowing her eyes in anger

"You want me to take care of her?" Another big man asks Alexei, smiling as he goes to grab Nat

"I really don't like this. I said I didn't want to come in here" Sharon whines so quietly no one hears her

She still can't fight to her full ability with her ribs still bruised and right arm messed up. And isn't totally sure the red head would make sure nothing happened to her as they aren't on the best terms right now. As the giant man approaches them though she get closer to Nat, her grip tightening on her shirt.

"You could try but it wouldn't be much help." Alexei replies throwing his hand up dismissively

The man goes to ask what that means but was flipped onto his back, a low groan escaping his lips, before he got the chance.

Nat grabs Alexei by the ear and pulls him up from his seat. Murmurs fill the bar as people watch the over six-foot-tall man dragged from the bar by a tiny girl. The three make their exit, going back to the jet


"You have a lot of explaining to do before I decide whether to kick your ass or not. Tell Yelena you were busy in a fight against 'Captain America'." Nat says mockingly

"Who is this Captain America? I would not get beat up by American. I leave with no scratch on my body. I am Red Guardian. I do not take something like this from American Captain or little girl. I am greatest soldier Russia has ever produced. How dare you even-" Alexei goes on about how good he is and can't get beaten by anyone

"Is he always like this?" Sharon questions

"Yeah. The only things he knows how to do is talk about his 'greatness', suck Dreykovs dick, and flirt with Melina so much you want to stick hot pokers into your ears." Nat says beginning to fly the jet

The quinjet rises with out warning and Alexei, who is standing as he still goes on and on about himself, flies backward hitting a wall

"I am all great." He yells giving a thumbs up

"We're so glad." Nat says sarcastically

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