Chapter: Twenty Six Pt 2

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*I forgot to post this yesterday but here it is. Once again, I have not yet edited this chapter because I didn't have the time so there might be some mistakes I apologize if there are. *

As Clint carries Nat through the door they are thankful that Nick, Melina, and Alexi are gone. Maria enters after him, as she had to hold the door for the two, and kneels down to take her and Nat's shoes off before she places them on the shoe rack next to the front door. Nat had fallen asleep within a minute of being placed into the back seat. Her head laid against Maria's shoulder, who had decided to stay in the back with her since she is so worried, the entire time.

As she comes up from sitting her shoes in their place she notices a note sitting on the console table, which the shoe racks are under. She places her keys on their hook then picks up the note, reading it through.

Who the hell leaves notes anymore? Maria thinks to herself before sharing the information on the piece of paper with Clint "They won't be home until later. Melina and Nick went out somewhere after dropping Yelena at school. They won't be back 'til late. It doesn't say anything about Alexi and I don't hear his stomping so he's either asleep or not here."

"Well let's get her upstairs and in your room in case he is here. If he see's her like this it will just make everything worse." Clint says before walking towards the stairs

"Ok, lay her on the bed." Maria says to Clint as they enter the girls room. She walks in front of him and lifts Nat's black comforter, which is balled up in the center, before Clint lays the red head down

She instantly curls up into a fetal position, letting out a small moan as she snuggles her head into her pillow.

"She should be out for a while. Can you go get her some Gatorade for when she wakes up please?" Maria asks Clint

The boy begins to leave but stops at the door as he hears Maria's voice again "Can you also bring me an IV drip, two vacutainer needles, and a blood collection tube? The faster we get this stuff out of her system the better. And I want to make sure her serum is killing what ever she took. Make sure there's not side effects." She explains

Clint nods and exits the room. Maria climbs into bed with the red head who instantly snuggles into her side, laying her head on the brunettes arm and wrapping her arms around her waist. Clint comes back minutes later with a medal tray holding the medical supplies and a blue Gatorade held under his arm. He tosses the drink on the foot of the bed before sitting the tray on Nat's black computer desk.

"Come on let's get this over with." Clint says as he opens an alcohol wipe to clean the area on Nat's hand that they are about to prick her with. "Hold her in case she wakes up. Try to keep her asleep though, she won't be very happy if she wakes up. She hates needles." He warns as Maria turns a bit so that she can hold Nat's head against her shoulder.

The girls hand is easily available thanks to her arm being wrapped around the brunette so Clint grabs it, wipes it, then inserts the needle perfectly into the biggest vein he can find. Once the needle is in and he's taped it in place he attaches the tube to the drip and the liquid begins to flow into her.

"That was the easy part. Now I need you to get onto her other side so I can get to her arm." Clint says and helps turn Nat while Maria gets up and climbs over the red head onto the other side of the bed. The sleeping girl groans a bit at the movement but doesn't awaken. She turns Nat's head in the new direction and lays it back onto her shoulder.

Clint grabs her arm and wraps the tourniquet around it a couple inches above the inside of her elbow before he wipes the area with an alcohol wipe to clean it. Then he opens the new needle and attaches the collection vile. Just as he locates the vain Nat begins to groan again. But this time it's not just the noise. She tries to move her arms but Maria quickly grabs them and holds her in place, almost her entire body is on top of the red head as she struggles underneath her letting out unrecognizable protests. Russian and English combined with a lot of murmurs. . She keeps her hand firmly around Nat's right wrist so her struggling doesn't rip the IV out while her body weight keeps the girl as still as possible.

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