Chapter Sixteen

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The first one to wake up is Yelena. She awakes to someone smooshed against her, who she soon realizes is Polaris. Had anyone else been awake she would have pulled away instantly, she doesn't move though. She stays laying there almost suffocatingly close to her Big Sister, Maria (who she doesn't really know what to describe her as), and Polaris (who she has become strangely close to in the mere hours they spent together yesterday - platonically of course) enjoying the warmth radiating from each of them.

Eventually Yelena decides to get up, not wanting to still be there when the others begin to wake. As she leaves the room she notices Nat and Maria snuggled up next to each other, Marias head laying on Nats chest, Nats arms wrapped tightly around her.

"Gay" Yelena whispers as she leaves the room to get dressed for the day


About an hour goes by and Polaris wakes up realizing Yelena left her alone with the two older teens (one of whom she just met last night) who seem to be in a very intimate position. She slowly gets out of the bed, not wanting to deal with an awkward situation when they awake, and makes her way to Yelena room down the hall.

When she enters the room she sees Yelena on her bed looking as though she just plopped herself down the moment she entered. Polaris lowers herself onto the bed beside her, still tired herself, and falls asleep almost instantly not even checking the time.


Natasha slowly opens her eyes, wincing as the light from the bedroom window hits her. She tries to turn her head but groans lowly at the movement. Between the pounding in her head, dryness in her throat, soreness on her lower lip, and dull pain under her eye she just wants to go back to sleep. That is until she feels the wait on her chest move and she realizes Maria's head is resting on top of her and her arms are tightly wrapped around the brunettes waist.

A small moan comes from the short haired girl as she tiredly pushes her head deeper into Nats chest. This causes Nat to laugh lightly, making Maria look up with a pout.

"Why you moving?" Maria asks with a hoarse voice as she's still half asleep

"I'm sorry." Nat begins as she laughs "Go ahead and continue rubbing your face in my tits"

This causes Maria to shoot up from bed almost hitting her head on the wall as she leans against it.

"wha- I- I was not!" She exclaims, her eyes shooting around the room no longer able to look in the emerald eyes of the girl before her

"Hey I wasn't complaining." Nat says smirking slightly

"I- yo- I would ne-" Maria stutters before huffing in defeat

"It's ok." Nat says as she puts her arm around Marias shoulder "Would you like to continue or should I go get some advil."

"Go get the damn advil. My head is killing me!" Maria grunts and basically pushes the red head out of the bed as she gets back into her spot

"Oh I love you to." Nat says

She kisses the girls head before she exits the room, leaving a red faced Maria in bed alone. Just as the door closes a pillow hits it causing a quiet thump that makes the green eyed girl on the other side laugh, knowing it was meant to hit her.

Several minutes later Natasha returns to the room with advil and glasses of orange juice for each of them.

"What took you so long? I feel like I'm dying!" Maria complains

"Oh please it's a little head ache. Try being electrocuted every couple minutes till you pass out." Nat jokes, though Maria doesn't seem to find it funny just like no one ever does when either of the girls make jokes about their time in the Red Room.

"I stopped to check on Yelena and Polaris. They were both shaking a little so I put a blanket over them. It's already ten so we're all just gonna stay home today. I already texted Wanda to let her know." Nat continues giving Maria the two pills and juice then sitting next to her on the bed

The two girls took their pills and gulped down the juice as though they had not drank anything in days. Finally the dry-rough feeling that had been felt in their throats since they woke up was no longer there.

"You wanna tell me what happened to your face?" Maria asks after having stared at the red head for a while

"I got in a fight with Sharon." Nat says blankly

"Yeah I gathered that much." The brunette laughs "Why though?"

"Why else? She said mean things to you." Nat replies

"Why would you get into a fight with Sharon just because she said a few hurtful things to me? She says shitty things to you and almost everyone else in this house on a daily basses. What made you react so badly this time" Maria questions

Nat stay silent, trying to come up with something to say that won't cause her to admit the things she's been feeling for a while now.

Maria stares at her pleading for an answer making the redhead finally break.

"Because I care about you and she made you cry. You're so amazing and you didn't deserve the things she said. You have always been there for her even when she is being a complete and utter bitch and she has the balls to say your not her family? I know it hurt you and the thought of anyone hurting you, even if it's just your feelings, kills me. I care about you so much. You were able to push through the steel walls that I put up and I need you. I know what you've been through in the past with your dad and the things he did were horrible. Your my person and I'm always going to do my best to make sure no one can make you feel anything like that ever again. And if they do they will pay for it." Nat rambles

"You need to understand that I have grown to care for you deeply and I don't do that with many people. You're so beautiful, inside and out, and I can't pretend anymore. I can't be around you every day, sleeping in a bed right next to you, feeling these things and doing nothing. I really like you Ria, a lot more than I should, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you." She finishes only to be met with silence from Maria

Maria slowly leans forward, just a couple inches from Nats face before she pulls back mumbling an "I'm sorry" before rushing out of the room.

Nat stays there looking down regretfully, wishing she had never said anything. Knowing there was no going back from it and having most likely just ruined the best friendship she has ever had. 

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