Chapter: Twenty Five

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*Y'all my damn cat knocked over our wifi box or whatever the hell it's called and it like shattered. I'm broke af so we were just able to get a new one. Sorry for the wait. I was high as hell when I started writing this chapter so there is drug use this chapter since that was the inspo. That stuff fucked me up. Also this chapter is split into two because I just kept on going and it was getting long. When I post that chapter it will be sometime soon. I'm not going to make you guys wait till next Friday since it's been a while since an update.*

As the high schoolers enter the school building on Monday the halls are insane. As they see someone run past them dressed in an inflatable Pikachu costume they realize one thing- it's spirit week.

All five teens knew it was coming, given the paper they received last week listing all the days and their themes, but none of them realized people were this serious about it. They all remember the spirit weeks in Elementary school, the little kids running around dressed up and exited as the week was more about class parties and eating snacks then it was about leaning. But they never would have guessed people would still be this exited about it. They've all had at least nine, I mean doesn't it get old?

Apparently not.

As they walk together, they see multiple different costumes they don't understand. A kid with blue triangles glued around his hair line and a white lab coat closes his locker and heads to his first class, followed closely by another boy in a yellow shirt and jeans. Theres a group of three girls crowded around the door leading to the courtyard, all wearing matching crop tops and skirts just in different colors, red, blue, and green. Two girls even went all out. One painted themselves purple and cut a hole in her black shirt so the purple gem on her chest can show. The other wearing huge sunglasses that take up half her face and a shirt of different scraps of red and black that looks like she sewed together herself. They both knock into different things as the glasses and big pale lavender wig block their eyesight.

The trainees all realize they should watch more tv as they try and fail to figure out who each person is supposed to be.

Clint, Carol, Maria, Sharon, and Nat all go their separate ways, stopping at their lockers, before heading to class.

Throughout the day there is one topic that is talked about more than anything else- Homecoming. The football game and dance that happens on Saturday.

Everyone walks around, their anxiety visible all day, as they wait to be asked or prepare for rejection as they slowly approach someone and pop the question.

Some people go all out.

They'd heard of a proposal, but for homecoming? All week people had been asking, and planning, and stressing. Buying dresses, scheduling hair and makeup, renting cars or drivers to take them to the event. It was crazy. I mean come on you get four of them. Is it like this every year?

They all decide it must be the younger grades, who are experiencing it for the first time, as they notice most of the extravagant invites are from the year 9 and 10's.


"Are you sure this looks ok?" Yelena asks, looking down at her Mermaid Man costume

"You look fine." Melina reassures her as she looks at the girl from the passengers seat

"But what is no one else dresses up? I'll look stupid." Yelena complains

"Polaris is dressing up with you isn't she? So you won't be alone even if no one else dresses up." Nick says but that doesn't seem to help

Today's duo day for spirit week. Polaris and Yelena decided to dress as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy from Sponge Bob, one of the only cartoons Yelena has watched.

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