Chapter Eight

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When Nat walks in the house the first thing she notices is Yelena. She looks the exact same as earlier but there is a look on her face that tells Nat she did something. She chooses to ignore it though as she just wants to spend some good time with her sister.

"Come on let's go pick something out of my closet to wear." Nats says surprising Yelena but she excitedly gets up and runs up the stairs with her

Nat opens the closet doors to reveal all the black and gray clothes she has. The two pull out various different things trying to agree on something for Yelena to wear. They end up agreeing on a black tube top, which she had to wear a sip up hoodie with, and light blue jeans that have a giant rip in the left thigh and smaller holes on both knees with checkered vans. The two decided she should wear fishnets under the jeans to cover up a bit which Yelena didn't mind.

Nat also changed her clothes because she had to wear things she could easily move around in earlier for cheer, which she didn't really like. She chose to wear a cropped black tank top that had skeleton hands on the boobs and baggy black cargo pants, with black combat boots.

The two sisters got into the car and drove to Wanda's house.

"This isn't the way to the mall." Yelena says confused

"Yeah I know. We're going to pick someone up." Nat says keeping her eyes on the road

"Nat I swear if you invited a boy to go with us then just bring me back home. This is supposed to be our time together and I can't believe you would bri-" Yelena starts ranting but gets cut off by her older sister

"I didn't invite a boy god. Why does every body seem to think I have like this obsession with men? She's a friend and she has a sister who is your age who's coming along." Nat says causing Yelena to stop complaining

The rest of the ride is silent because Yelena feels bad for being a bitch. Nat's just trying to spend time with her and Yelena had to basically call her a hoe.

They finally pull up to Wanda's house and Nat honks the horn to tell her they're here.

After a few minutes Wanda walks out with a girl a bit shorter than her. The girl has green hair and really pale skin, wearing a black turtle neck with a leather jacket on top (the same one she wears in gifted), and a wavy black skirt (kinda like Wanda in aou) with thigh high socks and black boots that go up to her calves.

Wanda also changed her out fit from earlier going from sweat pants and a black tank top to a red cropped hoodie and high waisted dad jeans that have holes in the knees, with white vans.

The two girls get in the car, Wanda in the front and the other girl in the back with Yelena. The blonde looks at the new people with a look of judgement. Not knowing if she can trust them yet.

"Hey Wanda this is Yelena, Yelena this is Wanda." Nat introduces

"It is nice to meet you Yelena." Wanda says surprising Yelena with her accent

"You are Russian?" Yelena questions

"Oh no, Sokivian." Wanda replies

"Oh" Yelena replies with distaste

"Be nice." Nat scolds

"Oh no, it's fine and this is Lorna." Wanda introduces

"I told you not to call me that it's Polaris." She grumbles

"Well it's nice to meet you Polaris. I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat." Nat says

The whole ride to the mall Nat and Wanda talk while Yelena and Polaris sit with their arms crossed and pouts on their faces. When they finally get there the first place Yelena wants to go is Forever 21. She picks out tons of different crop tops and ripped jeans and skirts. All very different from the things she usually wears, which is full of sweats and over sized t-shirts.

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