Chapter Twelve

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(I'm gonna try to post a couple chapters tonight as an apology for not updating for so long. I've had a lot going on and just haven't been able to concentrate on writing but I'm trying to get back into it and will hopefully post at least once a week. Hope you like this chapter. Thanks for reading!!!)

It's Monday morning and the girls are getting ready for school. Carol left the house early not even waiting for breakfast, which she's getting with Val. Her new "friend" who she's been hanging out with everyday. Though everyone knows they aren't just friends except for Nick who seems to be pretty clueless with the things that are happening in his trainees lives. Which is weird considering he is usually aware of everything. In his mind she's just spending a lot of time at the library.

Since Saturday night, which was only two days ago but feels like longer, Nat and Maria have been together all the time. Neither really remember much from after they left the party but there has just been this inseparable connection between the two. A stronger one then there was before. Though both decide not to mention it.

Clint and Laura head out early since they have some group project they have to work on, not that anyone actually believes that though.

Sharon leaves next in her car to get 'breakfast' with the other cheerleaders. Every cheerleader was invited except Wanda since she can't drive yet and no one was willing to pick her up. Nat declined the invitation not feeling like socializing so early in the morning.

Nat and Maria take one of Nicks cars to school since Maria's car is no longer in comission from being shot at and the bottom of Nats is messed up from the insane ride on Saturday so its at S.H.I.E.L.D. getting repaired. They pick up Wanda on the way, blaring music the entire drive. Once they finally get to the school they all walk in together.

Maria's POV: (Idk if I should continue adding different POV's or not but I wanted to try it out because I usually write in 3rd person.)

Walking through the halls with Nat is different. It's kinda like walking with Cher from that one Clueless movie that Phil made us watch. People look at us, some judging, some just admiring her. Nat walks with this confidence that I wish I could have. She struts through the halls swaying her hips as she acts like its only the three of us. Like she's in her own world and doesn't notice everyone else.

There's still ten minutes till the late bell rings so we join Nat's new group of friends, she recently started hanging out with, by the stairs. Nat introduces Wanda and I to everyone. Gamora, Okoye, Xu Xialing, James (but she's the only one who calls him that so Bucky), Hela, and Steve who just seems to be there to make sure Bucky doesn't get in trouble. I almost laugh as Steve continuously looks around for teachers who will yell at us to get to class.

Eventually everyone goes their separate ways and heads to class two minutes after the bell rings. Nat walks me to Algebra and helps me sneak in before she goes to her first class.


After second period it's time for lunch. As I leave the classroom Nat is already leaning against a locker as she waits for me next to the door.

We walk down the halls mine and her arms linked together and her head laid on my shoulder. It's like she doesn't notice the murmurs around us or see the judgement on some peoples faces at what the pose makes us look like. Maybe she just doesn't care though. She has this presence about her that I don't understand. She has been through so much in her life yet she acts like she is completely fine. Usually I can see through the act but here I can't. I don't know if she's acting or if she's just so used to the stares she doesn't notice them anymore. Maybe she just doesn't care though.

I was so caught up with keeping my head down as a way of trying to make people not notice me, that I didn't realize we were at the Cafe. That is until Nat started talking.

"Hey are you ok?" She asked with her eyebrows pulled together, a face of concern

"Yeah I'm good. Just not used to all those people looking at me" I say insecurely

"Well people should always look at you. Your really fucking hot." She replies reaching up to tuck some of my hair behind my ear, causing goose bumps to cover my arms and a chill to run down my spine

We buy our food, Nat just getting a bag of skittles, while I get nuggets and extra fries because I know she'll want to eat some of mine. We both grab a bottle of soda before heading to our table.

Nat sits down and turns to face me with a smile on her face as she pops a skittle into her mouth.

"What?" I question squinting my eyes

"Nothing..... just you look really pretty." She says laughing slightly

"Your high." I state just now seeing the redness in her eyes

"Always" She replies "But that's not why I said your pretty. You just are and people should tell you that more often."

"Well thanks you but you need to sober up. You have to pick up Yelena today remember." I remind

"Ugh Nick called you to?" Nat asks annoyed he doesn't trust her to remember

"Yeah he wanted to make sure you remember." I defend


Lunch ends and the two begin heading to their classes. On the way Wanda stops them.

"Hey Nat you have to get Yelena today right?" Wanda asks slightly out of breath as she had ran to catch up with them in time

"Yeah why?" Nat replies

"Can please get Lorna to? My mom has work, I have club, Eric got called into a last minute meeting with Xavier and of course Pietro has detention so no one can get her. I really don't want to ask but I-" Wanda rambles but Nat cuts her off

"No it's fine I'm going there anyway. I'll get her." Nat says, just then her phone begins going off "Yelena's actually calling me right now."

Nat takes the call, annoyed but understanding the girls reason (even if she wasn't told the whole story)

"They are both at the park right now apparently. She called me so I could tell Nick before he gets a call from the school and freaks. Isn't that so nice of her?" Nat says annoyed at her sister

"Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. Um can she stay with you till I get out? She's not allowed home by herself anymore since she got into the medicine cabinet and took a bunch of pills. Luckily it was only melatonin, but we don't want her to have the chance to try again you know." Wanda whispers the last part

She's a bit of an over sharer, though knows that her stepsister would be ok with Nat knowing as the two have gotten pretty close in the short time they've known each other.

Though she probably never would have told her herself since she won't talk to anyone about it.

"Of course she can. You guys are always welcomed over as long as you give a warning before showing up. Nick does not like surprises."

The teens go to class, not seeing each other for the rest of the school day. Maria stays thirty minutes late to help tutor a kid, getting a ride home with Sharon, while Nat left school the second the bell rang wanting to stop at five guys to get fries and milkshakes before picking up the demon spawn and Polaris.

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