Chapter Eighteen

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Another week goes by and things are still very tense in the house. Nat has been sleeping in Yelena's room, which still no one knows the reason for. Sharon has locked herself in her room, refusing to step foot in school 'till all her bruises have completely healed. Maria still can't bring herself to say anything to Nat, or even Yelena for that matter, scared Nat has told her what happened. No one likes when Yelena is mad at them because she's a spiteful little bi- anyway, Carol has thrown herself into school even more now, deciding she wants to run for class president. She keeps bugging everyone in the house to help with the campain, specifically Nat and Sharon to help get the cheerleaders on her side for the election. Clint pops in sometimes to make sure none of the girls have killed each other but then leaves minutes later, going back to Lauras house.

Phil came by once to drop off some mission reports for the trainees to look through but as he entered, he saw the mess and change in behavior. He left before being noticed by anyone and alerted Nick of the problems right away. Which also alerted the council since they always seem to have a close eye on these particular trainees.

As the five girls head to the kitchen for breakfast they notice Clint sitting at the table eating cereal. This can only mean one thing, given he was home the day prior, Nick's back and has called a meeting.

As the girls sit to eat their food, they all have worried looks on their faces, knowing Nick came home to a mess and most likely knows everything that happened while he was gone.

Just as everyone was expecting the moment breakfast is over, they are all alerted to meet in the basement. When they get there, they are met with an angry looking Nick. The six teens stand in a line, everyone hip to hip, all unable to look the director in the eye.

"Since some of you dumbasses have apparently forgotten the rules we have in this house it seems I am going to have to waste my motherfucking time and go over them again." Nick says as he passes back and fourth in front of a projector, containing a slide show of all the rules he placed for the trainees that live with him

"Rule one and one of the biggest rules we have" He starts as he glares daggers at Sharon and Natasha "No hand-to-hand combat outside of the ring."

"Rule two" He looks to Maria "Don't get blood on my damn bags" (really it's always wear gloves but Nick's a bit sassy)

"Rule three" He stares at Yelena and Nat "No visitors allowed in the house without supervision. I doubt anyone was keeping an eye on the two girls while you were all watching your eye lids."

Everyone stays silent as he speaks knowing trying to defend themselves will just get them in more trouble.

"When I leave for a damn council meeting I expect to come home to this place just as clean as it was when I left it. Instead I get here and it smells almost as bad as Clints room." Fury says with a face of disgust "You are agents, some of my best agents at that, and yet I leave for a couple days and come back to a big ass mess. All of you fighting and acting like dumbasses. The two adults, actual agents, I left in charge leaving the house and coming home at the crack ass of dawn, not doing the things I asked them to. You made me so desperate I had to stay with the council longer than I was supposed to so I could convince them I had not lost my mind by choosing such imbicells to be the future of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Still, no one says a word

"Now everyone one go upstairs and clean. I want to be able to see my beautiful reflection on every motherfucking surface in this house." Nick orders and everyone mutters a "yes sir" before breaking up and going off to start their cleaning

"Oh and whoever drank all my alcohol is in deep shit. That's coming out of your pay." He yells up the stairs

The whole day is spent with the teens cleaning while Nick stays in the basement having to deal with the council chewing down his throat about his agents in training.

Of course Nick didn't stay mad for very long. In fact once the council was finished yelling at him (which he completely ignored) he forgave the agents (his children), knowing they are teenagers and this is the kind of thing they do (though he would never tell them that).

Things went back to normal. The girls trained. Get along, though Nat and Maria still aren't talking (Sharon apologized for hitting Nat and Nat apologized for beating the hell out of Sharon, neither bringing up the reason the fight started in the first place. Sharon also apologized to Maria for the things she said). Yelena and Polaris have been texting since the moment their slumber party ended, when ever Yelena isn't exercising (training). Carol and Clint where finally caught up with everything that happened over the week (Nick yelled at them for not already knowing since they were the ones that were supposed to be keeping an eye on everyone).

Later that night Nick took the six teens plus Laura (since she's family now according to Clint, and Nat though she would never admit how much she likes Laura) out to dinner to show them all how much he missed them while he was gone ( he told them it was because he didn't want to mess up the house they just had to clean by cooking)

That night, for the first time since the incident, Nat slept in her room with Maria in the bed next to her. Though still, neither said a word to the other.

Look at me updating two days in a row

Thought we needed so more Fury in this story because these children were just doing what ever they wanted. Next chapter a new character is joining. Who are we thinking? Are there any other character you guys want to be added? Please let me know and I will try my best to write them in because as of now not many people are going join. I will be bringing some aos characters in here though so that is gonna be fun ig. Hope your enjoying this story so far!!!

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