Chapter Fourteen

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Maria waits in the school parking lot for Sharon extremely annoyed. She's a couple minutes early because Maria could not stand to be in the same room as the student, she was tutoring another second. They barely got any work done due to his obnoxiously unfunny jokes he made after almost everything she said. Maria is used to working with trained agents who are strictly professional when in a work or learning environment, so Peter Quill was quit unsettling to say the least.

Upon hearing a group of people laughing getting closer to her Maria looks up from her phone to see Sharon (not the real one but the one she presents herself as at school) and her friends. As if she wasn't already annoyed enough, she now has to deal with the snobby bitches Sharon associates herself with.

Sharon, Pepper, a girl she's learned name is Bobbie, another blonde and a red head stand in front of her.

"Well if it isn't the-" the blonde girl begins to say the slur multiple people at school have been calling her, before she's cut off by Bobbie

"Don't even say it." She says giving a threatening glare

"What your sticking up for the les now?" The girl questions

"I'm not sticking up for anyone. Make fun of her all you want I don't care just don't use slurs it's not that hard." Bobby defends

"OMG would you two shut up. I know you heard me and Sharon talking." Pepper says annoyed

"She star-" The girl goes to defend herself

"I really don't care you can all leave." Pepper says causing everyone to break apart and head to their cars

"I said you can all leave queer." Pepper says looking at Maria with disgust

"I have to take her home." Sharon says huffing at the end

"Oh so what's she like your sister?" Pepper questions making a face of digust

"Oh please- no we JUST live together. We are DEFINITELY not family. I mean we don't even hang out like ever." Sharon assures

"Good because she'd probably try to date you."

They both laugh as Maria stands there silently, wanting to just leave but of course her ride is taking her time.

Finally the two hug and kiss each other of the cheek like those rich women in movies, then release each other and Pepper leaves to her pink Audi.

Maria silently gets in the passengers seat, her arms crossed over her chest as Sharon starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. Sharon continuously looks to her side taking small glances at the girl next to her. She know she made Maria feels bad though she should know everything she said was a lie. She does consider all of the people in their home family. The brunette should realize that quickly enough. Eventually she decides the things said weren't that bad so she'll just leave it. It will blow over in little while.

They arrive home and Maria goes straight to her room. The second she walks through her bedroom door she finally lets the tears fall. She plops down of her bed and cries into her pillow. All the hate and feeling of being ignored she gets at school was enough but for it to happen at home, from the people she considers family, treating her the same way and making her feel like a freak brings up bad memories.

All of a sudden she's 9 years old again and her dad just caught her kissing a girl in the back yard. She can smell the alcohol on his hot breath as it hits her face when he yells at her about what a disgrace she is, how she's not good enough and she should have been the one to die instead of her mother. She feels his hand smack against the side of her face causing her to stumble into the wall behind her. He stands over her continuously screaming as she leans with her hands on her knees, trying to calm her breathing so she doesn't start crying. Knowing that that's exactly what her wants. To make her cry. To make her feel as he see's her. Like nothing. Like a disgrace. Like she shouldn't be here.

When she hears the front door close, alerting her more people have arrived she's pulled from the memory. Maria forces the tears to stop and rubs her eyes with her shirt. She stays sitting in bed with her back against the wall as her head points up to the ceiling and closes her eyes.

*So as you can probably tell I don't like Peter Quill. I don't know if I just can't separate the character from the actor or he is actually obnoxious or not but he annoys me. I know the chapters are kinda short but if I make them longer it will take forever for me to update so I think I'll just keep them from 1,000- 2,000 words (excluding this one) maybe in the future they will be longer but for now that's all I can do. If you have any things you want added to the story I am always open to suggestions they actually help a lot. Thanks for reading I hope you like this story so far!!!*

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