Chapter: Twenty One

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The jet lands at an old S.H.I.E.L.D. base that is now mainly just used for storage. Fury told them to land there so the council didn't find out about Melina and Alexei being in America (That's why they usually get brought on normal airlines using fake ID's Fury gave them instead of a quinjet picking them up).

"You want to tell me why you thought arm wrestling in a bar was more important than seeing the people you call your children?" Natasha angrily questions as she turns away from the pilot controls

"Every time I come here you make me feel bad. You always want to bring up the Red Room and how everything is my fault. You never want to mention how you become one of best spy and assassin thanks to me. You only focus on bad things. Not all the things you accomplished because of me. I don't come to America for visit because you don't want me here." Alexei whines accusingly

"No." Nat says unbelievingly

"Yes that is reason. You alwa-" Alexei goes to continue but gets cut off

"No you don't get to blame that on me. God you are unbelievable." Nat scoffs getting up, closer to his face "You deserve to feel like shit. You deserve to feel horrible for all the things you did. Yelena and I felt horrible for years. While we were getting tortured and abused and forced to do unspeakable things. You don't get to play the victim. I was the kid. Yelena was a kid. Hell we still are. You were the adult and yet I was the one trying to protect her. Trying to make sure she didn't have to go through the things I did before we went to Ohio. And you convinced me not to. You told me everything would be ok if I gave you the gun. And I believed you because you were supposed to be my dad. You were supposed to protect us. And you didn't. And for what? So you could live out your glory days behind Dreykov? So you could follow his orders and do whatever he tells you to? So you could be his bitch? You sent Yelena and I with him, you even sent Melina back to him. The one person who loved you despite knowing the horrible person you really are. Yet you sent her back to be cycled though the program again when you knew what that meant. So you're going to-"

"You cannot tell me what to do. I am your superior." Alexei cuts in having the nerve to sound annoyed

"Do not cut me off. This isn't the red room anymore. You're not my superior anymore, hell you're not even my father. You're nothing so I don't owe you respect." Natasha yells even madder now "You're going to get your ass out of this jet and get to the house so you can tell Yelena your sorry. Then your going to deal with feeling like shit because you deserve it and be here every time you're supposed to or else I'm going to give you an actual reason as to why you can't make it." Nat storms out of the jet

"Can you believe she can say all these things?" Alexei scoffs shaking his head is disbeleif

"No she's right you're a really shitty dad. I don't know what Yelena sees in you. She's always raving about "The amazing Alexei" and how cool her dad is. You should hurry up and get to her with a good excuse before you completely ruin your relationship with her too." Sharon says before leaving the jet

Sharon gets to Nicks car to see Natasha with her head laying on the steering wheel as she tries to force the tears not to fall from her eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asks

"Yeah, yeah I'm all good." Nat replies sniffling a bit

Alexei gets into the car, ducking his head to the side as he tries to sit.

"Ah uh, get in the back." Natasha tells him pointing over his head to the trunk

"What? This is the back?" Alexei asks confused

"No the very back." Nats says but Alexei still looks confused as he looks around "Oh my god get in the fucking truck!"

"What do you think I am? Animal? You want me to squish into the trunk?" He asks appalled

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