Chapter Twenty-six

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The next morning I was met by Azriel in the kitchen.

"How did you sleep?" He asks as I place a plate of food down next to him.

"Not the best. A lot on my mind." I hum, stabbing a piece of egg.

"I have the morning, you want to take your mind off of things." He leaned his elbow on the table.


In the next thirty minutes, Azriel was leading me down a new hallway in House of Wind. "I've been meaning to give you this a while ago but I had too much work."

"That's fine. But you don't have to keep surprising me. Just seeing you is enough for me." I say from his side. We both wore black leathers, his were more battle worthy.

They sculpted him well and I couldn't help but admire them.

He peers down at me. "I don't think that's enough."

I perk an eyebrow before he stopped in front of a door. It opened up to display a wide room.

I scanned the light teal walls and the contents of the room. To the side was a pottery wheel. A table sat in the corner with a kiln near it.

"A pottery wheel and a kiln?" I look amazed at him.

"I ordered them when you weren't looking."

"Az." I cheerfully drag the 'z'. "You spoil me. That's my job."

He smiles genuinely. "Will this take your mind off of things?"

"Most definitely." I crouch down to inspect the equipment. "My first project will me dedicated to you as a thank you."

I grab a piece of clay, Azriel watches my every movement. Sitting on the wheel, I throw the clay. "Have you ever used a wheel?"

He grabbed a wooden chair and sat backwards on it right across me.

"No, I thought you knew that I'm not good at these things." He watches as I mold the clay.

"Then what are you good at?" I give him a playful glare, "And don't say spying, give me an actual interest."

He leans on the back of the chair, contemplating the questions. He turns his face away from me as he thought of something.

"What is it?" I raise my brow. "Don't hide."

"It's embarrassing and I'm not even that good at it." He still doesn't look at me.

"I don't believe it, otherwise why are you thinking about it? Tell me."

He lets out a sigh, "I can sing and sometimes, I play the piano."

I stop the wheel to get a good look at him. "Really? That's amazing, Az. After this you need to show me."

"I told you I'm not that good."

"I won't believe it." I focused back on the project hoping to finish to have enough time to hear Azriel play. "Want to help me make this?"

I stop the wheel once more and motion for his hands. He gives me a look before turning the chair and stretching them out. Gently I took them, placing them on the centered piece of clay.

"Athy." He frowns down at the clay.

"Trust me." I reassure keeping my hands on the back of his. Slowly, I started the wheel, watching as the clay was molded by his hands.

We were left in silence, the only sound was the wheel spinning. I tried not to think much of his touch that was sparking my skin.

I smile at his concentrated face. So stunning as if sculpted by the creator himself. A god trapped in a body of a blessed being. His leathers revealed the upper bits of his chest and collarbone.

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