Chapter Five

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I land on the bed with a flop. I'm back. I stare at the familiar ceiling exhausted from the trip I just had.

Looking out the window I take in the autumn weather, the same as when I left. Whenever I travel back I come back to the same point in time that I left from.

However, I'm a completely different person and my clothes are different. I need to change before anyone sees what I'm wearing. I scan the black pants and tunic that I managed to steal from the crates. They were dirty from everything I've been through those two weeks.

I need a bath. So that's exactly what I did.

After washing up, I put on a pale green dress. I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I look tired, my brown hair wet. I brush it, revealing the white strand before I cover it by putting it in a low bun.

Only the people in the house know about my hair. If word got out, I would probably be called cursed.

Sighing, I walk out the door, down the hall into the kitchen.

"Athy! There you are. Could you help us prepare lunch?" Her smile always seems to brighten my day. Though I'm tired, I could never refuse helping her.

She stood near the pot, stirring it as Mrs. Laurent cuts a loaf of bread.

"Yes, what do you need me to do?" My deep blue eyes meet her brown ones.

"Nesta and I got some tomatoes from the market yesterday. I thought we could make a salad." Elain continues to stir whatever she is making in the pot.

"I'll get to it then." I reach for the knife and cutting board. "Where is Nesta?"

"She said she had something to do outside."

I nod, beginning to chop the tomato.

Everything has been off since Feyre left. Elain doesn't seem to notice it and neither did their father. Nesta has been leaving the house multiple times for unknown reasons.

Ever since she left, ever since I saw that faerie that night, I've been experiencing these powers. As if seeing him, that wolf, something in me snapped and I began to produce light after that day. I know I'm not a faerie, I don't have pointy ears or seem to lure people with my beauty. But it's still odd.

When Feyre came back the second time, she left soon after to save her High Lord. I didn't have enough time to tell her.

The Archerons' mother was the one to take me in when I was younger. It's weird that she did because she never seemed to care about her own children.

The woman found me as a newborn in the Autumn. The day she found me was labeled my birthday. The necklace is how she gave me my name.

And ever since, I've been living with their family. Helping in anyway that I can so that I won't be a burden. I owe them my life so I can't complain.

I scrape the tomato into a bowl and begin on the cucumber. "Have you tried drying that goat we got? It will be winter soon and we need to prepare." I look at Elain.

"I haven't, I was hoping you would do it since it usually tastes better." She rubs the edge of her neck.

"That's okay. I'll do it after this." I nod bringing my attention back to the salad I'm making.

"If you'd like I can give you my advice." Mrs. Laurent voices as she finishes the bread.

I give her a small thank you.

Lately, I've been starting to dry different foods so that I can preserve them. I've also tried canning and jarring. I don't want us to be so dependent on Feyre's ability to hunt like previous winters.

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