Chapter Six

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The days were slowly becoming colder as time passed. With the bucket in hand, I made my way to the well near the edge of the house. Warm water is always needed when the weather is colder.

I slowly lowered the attached bucket into the well. The sound of the cranking lever echoed through the forest. The leaves of the trees were mostly fallen, giving way for winter to show.

However, the bucket never makes its way to the top. My body began to glow once more. Not again.

The bright disappearing of my body brings me to a cliff's edge. Though it's not the cliff I knew from the last time I time traveled. My eyes widen at the sight below the cliff, fear entering my body.

A battle was happening right below me. It wasn't an ordinary battle. Humans, Fae, they were all fighting. Some together, some against. Where am I? What time is this? Please don't tell me I'll me stuck here for another two weeks.

My body shakes as I backed away from the cliff. I need to get out of here. Gripping my coat, I turn around to escape anyone's sight.

I hear a shout behind so I shift my head. A faerie, aiming for me. I bolt through the forest, hoping to lose him in the trees. I lifted my skirt as I ran down the hill. Why do these things always happen to me? If only I knew how to protect myself from Fae. If I knew how to fight, I wouldn't have to worry so much.

"Running won't save you, human!" The faerie yelled behind me. My steps were getting slower and my lungs were gasping for air. I have to hit him with some light. It's the only way.

With whatever courage and strength that remained in my body, I turned my body full force. My feet skid on the grass as I stretched my hands out. A blast flew from my hands the moment he was close enough. It managed to barely nip his wing.

"What the hell!" He shouts as he misses my attempt to guard myself. I missed.

I brought my shaky hands up again. "Get away from me!" I shout, this time the blast is larger. The faerie is lost in a stream of light, the trees that were behind him were now on fire.

I stand there in shock at what I just did. Did I kill him? Please don't tell me I killed him.

"What's a woman doing here?" A male faerie appears from behind the trees to my side. His hair was a fiery red which stood out against the more neutral colored warriors behind him. He glanced at the ash trees and then back at me.

"Stay back!" I yell, backing away as he tries to approach me. Fortunately, he stops, but his eyes don't stop scanning me. Gazing at my outstretched hands and disheveled hair. My bun was loose, my brown strands escaping from the ribbon in the back of my head.

"We won't hurt you. Are you lost? We can guide you back to the camp. If you want to survive it's best you come with us." He masked his intentions well, I felt no malice and ill intent towards me. I couldn't tell if he was lying. Should I go with him? He might be able to tell me what time I'm at. If something bad happens, I'll light travel out.

"Yes, I'm lost. I'll go with you." I comply, still wary of his movements. He's surprised at my reply, not expecting me to give in so easily. "If you or your soldiers try anything, you'll regret it." I threaten as I approach him from the side.

"You have my word." His eyes were intrigued by my actions. He turns to his soldiers. "Keep scouting the area, I'll be back as soon as I handle business." He makes eye contact with me as he says 'business'. "Follow me."

I do as he says following behind. He's tall, but then again almost all male Fae I've met are. What I find odd is that he's a High Fae. His ears are as sharp as daggers. If he really is High Fae, it might be difficult to escape from him.

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