Chapter Seventeen

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I did as promised. I stayed with her. I showed her Velaris, parts of my new life that she hasn't seen. I just wanted to see her smile.

I showed her Starfall and she loved it. Her azure gown made me think things she would probably be disturbed by. But I can't help it, she looked mesmerizing.

My mood was only brought down when she didn't want to at least stay friends. She didn't want to see me suffer because of her death. I try to get close to her and she pushes me away like this.

I also knew that she saw me as a child. She was closer to me when I was a child. She acted like herself. Now that I'm older, I feel that there is a wall between us. Like something invisible stands between us, not allowing us to communicate properly.

I hate it. I want to tear it down and learn more about her. Discover what she hasn't told me yet.

However, Athy doesn't want to. She never did want to see me suffer.

So I did as she said, I stayed away for a while. Giving her the space she needed. I didn't visits her for the library visits, separating ourselves for a while.

My shadows were restless, hating my decision.

I too came to regret my decision.

Her tear stained face haunted my mind. Gagged and held by a guard, a male nonetheless. I wanted to kill him for ever touching her. She only shouted more when she saw my state. Wounded and helpless, I couldn't do anything to help her.

I crawled towards her, hoping to be able to comfort her. It was pointless.

They handled her, even when she resisted. Shouting for them to release her. They didn't listen. All I could do it watch as she was shoved into the Cauldron.

She gave me on last sorrowful look before they submerged her. They hurt her and I couldn't do anything.

Athy spilled out of the Cauldron, her blue nightgown soaked. The detailing of her body was able for everyone to see. Her face was brighter, her medium brown strands seemed to hold some threads of gold.

Her wet white hair was glowing, holding a hidden power. Her ears were now of the High Fae.

She was Fae.

That's when I felt it.


A voice in my mind hummed. My shadows agreed, repeatedly whispering it. Mate. Mate. Mate.

It all made sense now. Why I was so attracted to her. Why I hated when anyone else was around her. Why I was possessive of her. Why I love her.

I met my mate as a child but because she wasn't Fae, it never snapped.

She crawled her wet body to me. Worried about my wound. Even if she doesn't feel the bond, it still pulls her to me. She sorrowfully holds my hand. It feels good. Her touch.

It comforted the pain I felt from my wound.

She then pulls away realizing what she is. I felt her fear, I felt her emotions. She crawled away from me at the realization. It pained me to see her like this. Scared and broken. And I couldn't comfort her because I lost consciousness after that.


I woke up to seeing Athy leaving towards the door. She still wore her tattered night gown that did nothing to stop her beauty.

She is my mate. I want to tell her but the look on her face stops me. She looks sad at the past events, it would only burden her if I told her.

Eternal: Azrielजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें