Chapter Three

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Another three days passed. And I'm starting to worry if I'll ever go back.

Because sitting in the cell bores me out of my mind, I was able to convince Azriel to go out again. After that close encounter at the market, we decided to stay away from busy places. Only I went out to find some food before returning quickly to the cell. I didn't want to worry Azriel, who has taken a liking to me.

Instead of boring myself, I made the attic my new place to rest. Only after Azriel's one hour of freedom did we ever go out the room. I was scared that he would get caught and possibly punished.

This night I chose to explore what Azriel's family keep in its storage. I found new clothes to wear in the crates as well as some books. They kept me entertained and it was interesting to learn more about the Faerie Realms.

"What did you do today?" I ask Azriel as I sift through the crate filled with books. I wanted to find one I can read during the day.

"I saw my mother." He sat on a crate, kicking his legs softly. He looks stronger than the kid I first met. In the past few days we've been together, his face looks slightly fuller. He's not as shy or quiet. He looks better and that's all I care for.

"What is she like?" I say as I sit next to him on another crate.

"She's nice. But she isn't welcome by my father either. Stepmother hates her for sleeping with my father. I'm an illegitimate child." His head faces the wooden floor as he speaks.

Silence falls as I think of the right words to say.

"That doesn't make you any less than them, Az. I've never met my parents but that doesn't mean I'm lower than anyone. Everyone has an opinion of what they think is right. When something doesn't go their way, they try to fix it. Your stepmother has no right to lock you up like this so don't think so little of yourself. Because your mother cares for you and so do I." I try my best to ease him, biting my lip at his discomfort.

It's sad that he has gone through so much and there seems to be no one around to help him. Does everyone in his world find the pain of a child fun? He may have his mother, but even his time with her is limited. Maybe he was the reason why I came here. To give him a sliver of hope that not everyone around him wants to hurt him.

"Thank you, Athy." He brings up his face, a smile lining it.

I could cry at the sight. He's happy because I'm near him. I return the smile, "Come here."

"What are —" I cut him off with a hug, avoiding his wings. "Athy!" He squirms in my grip.

"Stop moving. My hugs are limited edition gifts." Grumbling, he loosens up, moving his arms to wrap around me.

We stayed like that for moments on end. I don't know if it was Azriel, but it felt like the warmest and comforting hug I've ever had. Maybe this is how it was supposed to go. Two broken children meeting in order to save each other from their pain.

"I think this is enough." Azriel pushes me away again.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" I also brush off the moment, looking around the attic.

"I don't know. You're the one that makes the plans."

I tap my hands on my thighs as I concentrate. "I think I have an idea." I stand and walk to one of the open crates in the corner. Azriel's hazel eyes follow me.

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