Chapter Nineteen

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My hair was up in a ponytail, holding together by a teal ribbon. I didn't bother hiding my white strand, knowing that it wouldn't be that odd for the Fae.

Unlike the usual dresses I wore, I had Illyrian fighting leathers on. I knew training with Azriel would need more flexible clothing.

I met him in the training yard above the House of Wind. He too wore fighting leathers but his shirt seemed too tight for his body. I think something is seriously wrong with me.

"So where do we start?" I ask, approaching him in the center of a black mat laid on the floor.

"We'll start with simple punches. Though you might not be able to overcome the strength of your opponent all the time, you can be quick about it." In his hands were two pads that he faced towards. "Try throwing a punch."

I do as he says, putting whatever force I had in my right arm. His pad barely moved. Maybe I'm just weak but it could be that he's really strong.

"Do it again but make it faster. Don't stop, just keep aiming at the pads." He instructed.

That's how we spent our morning. Nesta didn't know what I was doing. I'm not sure she has the time to worry about me. After yesterday's talk with Azriel I was prepared to learn.

And I'll do it fast. Ever since I was younger, I was able to understand things faster than most. Well, other than dancing because no one taught me and it was quite difficult.

I was going to put my all in understanding how to protect myself.

I spent my time yesterday looking in the library for self defense books and other fight styles. I'm determined to make this work.

"You're doing well for your first time." Azriel passes me a glass of water as I sat on the mat.

"Thank you. I try to learn things quick." I smile up at him, before engulfing all the water. He falls right next to me, drinking a glass of his own.

"What other things do you want to learn?" He asks turning to face his head to me.

I bring my glass down into my lap. "I want to learn to fly as well. I don't want to have my wings for show." I make eye contact with him. "I know how to use my light, I just need practice learning to use it in battle. That part shouldn't be that hard."

He looks away, down at his glass. "You have a lot to learn," he hums.

"I know. But you'll help me, right?" I don't know why but only wanted help from him. So many things are happening to me and he's the only one who knows everything.

My body is new to me, I probably have things that I still don't know about yet. I need him to show me how to deal with it all.

It's strange how I never really asked anyone for help, but I ask Azriel without a doubt.

"I told you I would. Don't make me a stranger to you, Athy." He bores his eyes into mine.

"I won't. If anything, you're the closest person to me right now." I bring up a smile. "You know what truly happened to me all those years ago. You stayed whenever I was lonely."

I bring my knees up, hugging them. "I'm happy that I met you so long ago. It was liberating to know that there was someone that knew everything that was happening to me, Az."

His eyes seemed to dance at my words. He liked them. "You freed me too, Athy. Spending time with you felt different than it did with anyone else."

Eternal: AzrielDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora