For them- fluff, Cha Hyun-su

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Genre: Fluffy, Angsty

Summary: You do what you can to protect others and get hurt in the process.

Warnings: Blood, Getting hurt, monster descriptions, normal Sweet home stuff


It had been 16 days since this all started, It was terrifying but you wouldn't lose hope. You wanted to stay alive not necessarily for yourself but to be with Hyun-Su. And for Kim Su-Yeoung and Kim Yeoung-Su the little kids both you'd both saved. You were determined for them to live, even in this cruel world they still deserved a chance.

You stood next to the stairs that lead into the rest of the apartment building. Your boyfriend stood across from you with that faraway look in his eyes.

" I hate that you have to do this." You sighed, glancing at the beaten door.


You looked back at him and he had this dead serious look in his eyes. You understood this was for the best but you still hate the way they treat him. You wish he wouldn't take shit from everyone.

" Gosh, Hyun-Su..I can't keep letting them treat you like a caged animal. I'm gonna talk to Eun-Hyeok.-"

" Y/N, Please." Hyun-Su rested his hand on your shoulder bring you back.

" I'm sorry, It's just your doing so much for everyone here.... It's like they don't even care. I hate that." You pause for sec thinking before you continue with, " It's okay if your hurt by this Hyun-Su. Your aloud to be upset-"

" I have to go." He cut you off in a quiet tone ready to retreat. You snatch his face back before he can go placing your lips on his gently. Warmth fills you and you savor the feeling. You never know when it may be the last time.

You headed into the daycare center not expecting to see Eun-Hyeok. It looked like he had just gotten finished talking because everyone was dead silent. He walked straight pass you out the door you followed. But before you could even say anything he spoke.

" The answer is no."

You suck your teeth, " You don't even know what I was gonna say."

He turned.

" I'm guessing it's about Hyun-Su. My answer is no." with that he walked away. You let out sharp sigh. You'll get him eventually just not now.

" Y/N..?" A small voice spoke in almost a whisper. It was Yeong-Su. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his sister stood close behind him.

" What's up?" I asked a little worried.

" Umm..." The little boy started his sister finished.

" He wants you to come with us to get his toy. He lost it when we first got here. It's on this floor. We just don't want to get lost."

Your heart warmed a little at the fact they were asking you and not someone else.

" Of course, Shall we?" You held out your hand to the boy he toke it with a grin.

You all walked through the halls of the first floor. It's only now you really understand how much a maze this building is. It makes your stomach turn a little at how many people actually lived here. Meaning how many lost their lives and how many turned. You guys had been walking for a little while before you could resist asking the boy.

" Are we headed the right way?" He noded slowly showing you clear as day he was unsure.

" Do you remember exactly where you lost it?"

Sweet Home imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin