Cha Hyun-Su x fem!reader Smut

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Chan Hyun Su couldn't deny that he was deeply in love with you but he was just to shy to openly admit it to anyone let alone you , he grown a small habit to watch you whenever you went out alone just to make sure your okay

It was so wrong .. Hyun su knew it was wrong as his checks started to turn red , eyes widen in shock but for some reason he couldn't look away

He kept telling his self that he was just making sure you were safe like he alway did when ever you decided to go alone or sneak off thinking he wouldn't notice but he does ... he always does

As his muscles becomes tense , softly biting at his lip , quickly shaking his head at he tries to get rid of the thoughts that starts to cloud his mind causing him to feel a way he never felt before , minding starting to wander

As he pictures him being on top of you , pounding deep inside your dripping pussy as you let out such sweet moans

Your nails scratching at his back causing him to let out deep groans as he speeds up his thrust , grabbing at your throat slightly as he feels your walls tighten around his dick , back arching off the bed as you let out a loud moan

"H-Hyun su" you moan out eyes rolling to the back of your head as your brain starts to become fuzzy , chocking on your moans as he starts to pound in your dripping pussy with a inhuman speed

Leaning towards your neck as he starts to leave wet and sloppy kiss over your neck leaving bruises every once in a while as he feels you clutch down on his cock causing him to groan as he starts to attack your lips with a violent kiss

Pulling away after a few seconds as you both gasp for air , as Hyun Su's dark brown eyes stare down at you , lips now swollen as you looked fucked out causing his cock to twitch as he thrust becomes deeper hitting your cervix

Shaking his head as he tries to get ride of the dirty thoughts that played in his head , as he feels his face and ears becoming hot as he stares back down at his feet

'Oh, so that's your desire'

'W-What' Hyun su thought eyes becoming wide as he hears what the monster inside of him says next

'You want to fuck the brains out of Reader, don't yah'

'N-No tahts no-'

Before Hyun su could finish his sentence his eyes turn a bright blue as he slowly raises his head with a huge grin , slowly walking toward you making sure not to make much noise

Quietly steeping out of his clothes as he slowly but quietly steps into the small lake , stopping once he was behind you as his eyes slowly scan you back as he feels his dick twitch under the cold lake water , slowly raise a hand towards your breast as he softly kisses your neck

"H-Hyun su .. what are you d-doing" you moan out as you feel hands strong rough hands slightly squeeze your boobs

"Hyun Su's asleep right now darling , seems he was to shy.. but it's okay we'll make you feel good ,just stay quiet yah"

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