Promised- sad, Lee Eun-Hyuk

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tw/cw - mentions of blood, angst, major character death.

eun-hyuk didn't believe in promises.

he used to, once when interlocking pinkies had no further meaning past empty words bound to be forgotten. it would start with the promise of silence when exchanging secrets, or a treat for good behavior. yet soon enough small minds would occupy themselves with something of more interest, and strings lay forgotten on the ground.

he only made two promises in his life. the first with his mother, whom he had held on tightly to at the smell of smoke, sweat and burning flesh. the images of his memory were blurry, for he could only recall the blood running down the side of her temple and the salty tears that lingered upon his tongue. he couldn't even recall what the promise had been, yet he knew the strings had been broken when the rise and fall of her chest had ceased.

the other he had been able to uphold for almost 12 years. the initiation of the oath he could remember more clearly, set in springtime when snow began to melt and flowers began to bloom. this time he remembered the gentle breeze, the sun kissing his skin and the clouds decorating the sky. normally he spent his time indoors when the season rolled around, opting to play on his gaming consoles instead. yet, it had been you to drag him from the confines of his blanket, switching the dark shadows of his room for the fresh air of new beginnings.

"see? isn't this better than your stuffy room you haven't cleaned in weeks?" you had grinned, and eun-hyuk could still recall the pretty teeth and pretty eyes that greeted him. he could be old, withering away to nothingness, and he would still remember each expression that painted your features, far better than the shadows he tried to shake off.

"it's fine." he mumbled instead, tearing his eyes from your face to hide the red wanting to singe his cheeks.

silence settled then, where he took the time to study the ants crawling by his feet and count the seconds that passed. you however, dropped the smile from your lips, eyes glossing over with an emotion he pained to see, "look...i'm sorry about your parents," you spoke quietly, and soft enough to soothe the aches of his own body, "i know things have been hard for you but, you know i'll always be here, right?"

"will you promise that?" he had muttered, far too quick for him to realize the extent of his words. he wanted to take it back, mouth even opening to speak, yet his throat felt dry, and he struggled to release the words sticking to his tongue.

even so you paid no mind to hidden meanings, eyes fierce with determination, "of course!" you shifted your body closer, knees bumping clumsily against his own, and eun-hyuk fixated his gaze on the single finger you extended out, "i'll stick by your side no matter what!"

a small part of him hesitated. for brief moments he recalled what little memories he held of the accident, the same gesture promising everything leaving him with nothing. but the longer he stared, switching between the appendage and your own expression, so full of promises and everything more, he found himself nodding along to your own determination, "then i will too."


he was a complete and utter fool.

yet he had no regrets at the time. in his eyes, he had eternity. thousands of days he'd spend with you, vibrant and oh so lovely. he never thought for a moment it would pass, could never comprehend. he figured the universe had already taken everything from him. his family, his younger sister. he would not allow it to take this.

eun-hyuk did an excellent job with upholding his promise. you both attended the same schools and spent time in the same small apartment. whenever you were hurt he was there, gently patching up your wounds and wiping the tears from your eyes. for tests he would take the time to study with you, patient with teaching you equations and making your notes pretty simply because you insist. he was there for your first dance, your first heartbreak, your first reward and your first car. he took pride in living those moments with you, and had hoped for more.

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