Sang-Wook x fem!reader fluff

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As Sang Wook held Hyun su down with one of his footed boots against the dash board of the military , removing a hand from the steering wheel as he pops his nose back in to place

"Why did you kill him" Hyun su managed to let out as he struggles againstSang Wook foot as he tries to push his foot off his throat with all his force but he didn't remove a inch

"Because ... you pissed me off" Sang Wook replies with a heartless laugh as he gives Hyun su a quick glance quickly turning his gaze back toward the road

As he uses his free foot to press down on the gas a bit more , as he mind starts to play his past memories that he had with reader

You met Sang Wook at a friends gathering as you didn't really know any one there but your two best friends Amy and Lisa

You were sitting in a corner as you didn't felt like your fit in well , Sang Wook glances soon landing in your sitting figure as he starts to become curious since he never seen you there before

Slowly walking towards you as he gives you slight bow with a small smile as he greets you , which your greet back as you look away shyly , which he found adorable

Not to long after you started to hang out more as you start to become closer by the day , eventually Sang Wook decided to ask you out to which you happily accepted

After a couple of dates , 6 maybe 7 , he finally grew the guts to tell you how he really felt about you , to soon find out you felt the same way as you both soon started dating

After a year of being a happily couple as he made sure to keep you out of any dirty business he did so you could stay safe to which you understood and never pressured him about , always being there to patch him up if needed

Weeks later you both eventually moved into Green Home , as it made you super excited to finally be able to live with Sang Wook , although he was happy to live with you he was there to handle other business

Which soon caught up with him .. after you both started to open up to the other survivors at Green Home , a group of thugs needed up showing up , one of the men taking your front e group as he drags you to a near by room

After finally breaking free and getting Green Home back from the thugs , Sang Wook went looking for you , only to see you 'lifeless body'..laying over the table

That same day Sang Wook decided to leave Green Home which soon ended him him being shot and soon being controlled by a monster

Shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts as he lets out a shaky breath

"You aren't dead you mother fucker" sang Wook says as his eyes start to turn pitch black as he tries to take control over his body but fails seconds later abusing Sang Wook to let out a cocky laugh

His monster side was to caught up in making sure he didn't gain back Sang Wook to gain control that he didn't notice the sudden spikes that were thrown in the road

As the tired go flat causing the car to swerve a little as it , crashes into a small pole.. coming back to his senses as he groan in pain a bit , Hyun su quickly climbing out of the car as blood trails down his head slowly looking up once he was out as he stop in he tracks

Quietly watching as the unknown person slowly walks past him not paying him any mind as she slowly walks to the crashed vehicle, pulling open the drivers side door as she pulls out a bloodied Sang Wook

Gently pulling his body out of the car as she places him on the ground , quietly checking his pulse as Hyun su watches with silent tears running down his face as knew Sang Wook thought you were gone

"H-He's not him self" Hyun su says softly as he watches as you make sure he was breathing through his nose

"I know.." you reply quietly, taking your bag as you grab a bottle of water slowly opening the cap as you splash a bit of water on Sang Wook

"SANG WOOK" reader yells as Sang Wook eyes opens abruptly staring up at the sky for a minute before slowly turning his head in your direction eyes becoming wide as he feels tears drop down his face

"W-Who are you" Sang Wook says lowly almost in a whisper

"You ducking idiot.." You say as you slap his shoulder carefully , " your sure a dick head you know that , how can you let some monster take control over your just because you assume I was dead , how can you just leave me like that your fucking prick" you say in one breathe let out as your let out a deep breath looking at him with anger and hurt after a while of silence he eyes seemed a bit different.. no make almost as he tried to sit up looking at you in disbelief

"R-Reader.." San Wook let's our as he chokes on a sob , slowly nodding your head as he pulls you in a tight hug crying on your shoulder as you rubbed his back with a smile

You had your Sang Wook back after a year of searching and thinking he had died ....all because of you

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