Cha Hyun-Su x fem!reader sad

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he regrets that night, the night that was the beginning of his broken heart, yet grateful for guiding him into a temporary light in the midst of hell and giving him new hope.

Remember the night that we met up? Broken to me and taken everything left in my heart,
Hell, that's the only thing he knows about his life, so he escapes those times when he can get a breath and that was midnight.
So when he met you at that time, he regretted it so much while still being grateful for meeting you as you stand there and while meeting your E/C eyes.

Walking at the side of the road as the chilly wind hits his face, a H/C hair held his gaze in the corner.
He was the only one who walks in the area for comfort, so suddenly seeing someone else just standing there staring at nothing strikes him odd.
So fragile is that air it always keeps on revolving near and wide...
He takes one step forward to the person as this caused him to walk towards them unconsciously
And in a blink, their form disappeared.
Thinking he's just hallucinating, he goes back to walk as the H/C haired form smile sadly at them behind their back.
Wake up
Get ready
Enter hell
Get beaten up
Cut his wrist
This was his usual routine every time he goes to school.
And he sometimes wishes to change it for the better but he already lost hope for it for long already
But yet just meeting the familiar H/C and E/C again that holds something different as he gazes at those while in the dull dirty hallways has changed it.
Loneliness envelopes deep in your eyes
"Hello?" Your voice was soft and normal like the others, yet why does he feel something different about it when he heard it the first time?
His gaze stared back at your own as you held a small smile pulling out your arms.
"Hi, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you!"
He felt sorrow at that time.
Now whenever he passes the same hallway after lunch, you're always there sitting beside the two boxes as one box holds his favorite food, greeting him with the same small smile giving him the other box that held his favorite dish
"Please eat it" You always say that whenever you give him the same box that was his favorite color
So he did your request.
And soon after that day, you'll come to sneak up on him waving your hands, greeting him with happiness toned in your voice, giving him lunch every after lunchtime as he passes by, and check up on him.
He wonders why he always just accepts those small requests you give since that started
Was it because of your aura?
Was it your emotions you always held deep down in those eyes of yours?
Was it because of how caring you are that reminds him that kind people still exist?

"HEY!" your voice shouted as you ran towards the boy who held an emotionless look at his face
Gazing at your form, he noticed how others don't even care about how loud you are causing him to be confused.
You snapped his thoughts by giving him a pat on his shoulders, which caused him to bite his lips and hold back a grunt
Noticing his odd behavior you quickly took off your hands off his shoulders and drag him by his hands in a hallway where the nurse's office is. Knowing this is the time you'll check up on him he didn't bother to pry off his hand of your soft yet cold hands.
The nurse's office is always open to use if there's a severe injury or wounds to treat whenever the nurse is gone to take a break, thus making you abuse the chances of it every time you see one.
As you open the door with your other arm, you drag him but not enough to hurt him inside the white clean room.
You push him gently to sit on the white fluffy mattress. As soon as he did, you walked towards the cabinets, getting the equipment to clean cuts and bruises.
Noticing the things you're getting, he realized one thing
His bruises.
Yes, some of his bruises are visible on his face, but not enough to see far away so he wondered how you're able to see it when you didn't even give the feeling of you looking and inspecting his face whenever you try to make small talks to him.
You snap his thoughts once again by walking towards him, different types of equipment at hands making his dark brown eyes look up at you.
Setting in the pieces of equipment beside him, you took his hands, pushing the white sleeves of his uniform getting greeted by cuts fresh and old ones implanted at his pale skin.
He just got even more confused.
He also knows that you have acknowledged his bruises by the pat on his shoulder and by giving away his reaction, but you knowing his cuts at his wrist caused by him just made him weirder of you.
A shocked expression makes upon your face as your eyes look down, observing the bloodied and rough cuts.
Quickly you grabbed a well-cleaned cloth applying gentle pressure at the cuts trying to draw blood that had been visibly showing out, causing the boy to stare down at his wrist and your hands. Suddenly, giving more pressure on his wrist, he hisses quietly in pain.
After some while of cleaning and bandaging the cuts, you throw out the used clothing at the trash can in the corner of the room.
You stand up, taking a new one from the cabinets. Turning your head after getting one, you look back at him as you felt his gaze at your form,
"I know this might be awkward...", you spoke out before you paused, causing a brief silence in the room,
"But you need to take off your uniform at least-" you continued, but before you can finish your sentence, he starts to take off his uniform with his undershirt, making you panic.
Frantically waving your hands while shaking your head, you managed to stop him by speaking up again.
"No! You don't need to take off your undershirt with you. I just need to check up on your shoulders," you shouted in a panic, but thankfully he listened as he dropped back his undershirt and left it, his main uniform at hand.
After taking off his main uniform, you walked back to his side, checking and inspecting the bruises he had still fresh and red
Checking his face closely for any bruises too, this caused the boy to blush intensively and widen his eyes by your gaze and lips just mere inches at his cherry-red face.
Realizing your actions, you quickly took a step back as you muttered a 'sorry' embarrassed at what you had done.
Getting the clean cloth you tidy up his bruises on his shoulders and face, the blushing and embarrassment still not being able to escape out of the room.
Finally finished at cleaning his cuts and bruises, you set back the items at the cabinets while throwing out the used clothes
A sudden voice interrupts the tense, awkward air,
"Thank you," the boy muttered, merely a whisper. Tho you heard it well,
"You're welcome," you spoke back, sending a small smile on his way to you speak up again at him,
"You know I never got your name even though I ask all the time, so what's yours?" you asked looking at him, slightly tilting your head as you sat beside him who's wearing back his uniform.
"Hyun-Su. That's my name," he answered quietly as he buttoned up his shirt.
"Nice name," you complimented him as your feet dangled at the edge of the bed.
Looking away flustered by the compliment, he asked a question,
"How do you know about the..." he inquired, though a long silence was filled in the tense room after the said question.
"Cuts?" You continued for him as you stopped moving your feet, making you look at him in a questioning manner.
"I just saw some tiny blood at your sleeves so I came to check it out," you answered, making him check his sleeves but not a single blood was visible. But as soon as you did the bell rang signaling it was time for another period to start.
Standing up on your feet and holding out your arm helping Hyun Su to stand up properly, he accepts the offer as two of you walk towards the door holding the doorknob before you pause, looking at the awkward, tense boy.
"I'll see you again. Promise me to let me be your friend alright?" You said as you let out your pinkie, motioning him to do the same.
Pulling out his pinkie, you intertwined your finger in his, gazing up into his eyes as one sentence comes out of your mouth.
"Don't do that again and fight back."
That was the last time he heard of you. But deep down, he hopes to hear and see you once again.
Only perceiving through your eyes, I see nothing, I'll soon hate you, keep me out, I'm crying out.
This was the day.
The day to fall down the tall building
The day to end his hell hole of a life.
But yet as soon as he steps in the place where he will end it all he halts on his walk as soon as he sees your form, your hair and the same uniform you wear at his school flowing with the wind as you stand at the edge of the building.
You are the person who was his first friend that he made in the midst of hell.
You, the person who treated him as a human and took care of him
He was stunned too stunned to move. He barely can even move a muscle to walk and grab your form back to the ground to give it a crushing hug.
He's confused
He's aggravated
He feels miserable.
All emotions topple over him as tears burn inside his dark brown eyes as one name speaks out of his lips,
Turning your figure to face the boy who's standing slump, tears slowly falling down his face, you gave him a sad smile etched on your face.
Walking slowly towards the poor boy, you gave him a crushing hug, your face planted at the same shoulder You treated him. You choked on sobs trying to hold it in.
You're falling into deeper fascination, givin' away your love. That expression has got me crying out
"Why..." he spoke barely above a whisper, making you look up at him with those e/c eyes on where he always caught something in them.
"No, wanna stop it, you got me tired of walking" Never told you the truth, I'm feeling that inside
Tho this time, you showed the somber in your eyes and that made him weak.
He feels like breaking down then and there and thrash around screaming at the top of his voice, but he's too weak at that when he stared at those gazes of yours,
"Why did you go?" His voice cracked at the end as he hugs you tighter, making you both swing by force as more tears come out of his eyes flowing down his cheeks.
You look up at him with a sympathetic look plastered on your teary red face as you let out another smile of yours.
Oh, how beautiful were those but now.. They just feel different inside him after a long time of not seeing your cheery but gloomy presence.
"I can't do it" Four words only came out of your bitten bloodied lips as you just hugged him harder, still holding in sobs failing miserably.
"Stop doing this please." He pleaded, pushing you gently to look at your face, which is tilted down on the concrete floor, your tears wetting it down.
"I want it to be done" is what went out It found a way to finally leak out of me. And for once, I could make you let out a smile
Your voice let out a sob, making him tilt your face upwards to look back at his gaze back
"How... How did you know about those cuts when there wasn't even any blood?..." he started to ask before pausing.
"... Why are you this?" He finally asked the question that has been engraved at the back of his mind ever since you left and haunts him, and every time he thinks about you, he still failed to do so not being able to hold it in made him anticipate to ask the question for you.
Laughing, a sad tone at your voice. You hiccup looking back at his teary face,
"I have a job to do yet I can't even lay a finger to hurt your already ruined skin," you jokingly said to lift the dreary mood, yet you still flow out tears.
Nuzzling your red swollen face onto your already wet white sleeves, you try to mutter your voice again,
"Can I still request you like those times back then?" You questioned a pleading tone in your voice.
He nodded his head slowly. Clasping your arms tightly in fear of you being gone once again.
"Please live for me."
That one sentence, only that one sentence broke up the feelings he bottled for a long time.
This was the day of him to end it all but yet you said that.
His body shook uncontrollably, fresh liquid tears coming out of his already red eyes non-stop as he bit his lips with force to not let a sob come out of his throat.
Trying to mutter a sentence out of his throat, he spoke back once again,
"I'll try to..." he said as you just give him a comforting hug, patting your cold hands softly at his back,
"Remember this?" you ask pulling a used dirty white cloth out of your pocket,
Snickering slightly at the cloth, you stretch out slowly his hands putting the cloth in his palms.
"This was the cloth that I use to bandage your cuts from your wrist," you said, longingly staring at it as memories come back to his mind.
You intertwined your hands in his holding a gentle grip. Feeling the coldness in your hands, his body flinches in surprise.
Just showing a smile at him you spoke up again
"Keep it alright?"
And as a gush of wind hits the two of you
Your presence and figure were gone.
And that was when he knew about the tingling feelings creeping up on his stomach every time you come to see him.

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