Pregnant- fluff, Cha Hyun-Su

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it's been a few weeks since the last time you and Hyun su had sex , you the start to feel sick in the mornings , not really thinking much of it as you pass it as a small flu ... 3 months later and you started to notice your stomach has a small bump

It's been three months since you were last sexually intimate with Cha Hyun Su ... but it's been a month since you started to think you might be pregnant , you tried everything in you to think it was no way... but the more you thought the more you realized you didn't use protection

Getting out of the small full sized bed you shared with Hyun su , as you decided to head to a small pharmacy, that was only a block or two away from the small house you were now living in , grabbing your mask off the nightstand besides the bed as you head out of the bed room , down the small hall towers the front entrance

Sliding your feet in your shoes that were sitting by the entrance, it was normally blocked off with the dresser that we kept by the door , but since Hyun Su and Ah-yo were both gone you left the dresser against the wall

Once your shoes were on turning as you grab your bag off the top of the dresser along with your book bag you kept by the door for when you made small runs

'I got to get back quick, since I don't know when Hyun su or Ah-yo will be back' you thought as you quickly walk towards the front door , slowly twisting to door knob as you pull the door open , slowly peeking your head out the front door as you look to your left then to your right

Seeing that the coast was clear as you hurriedly step outside , quietly closing the door behind you as you turn left quietly but carefully walking down the streets of grumble

Softly biting down on the corner of your bottom lip as you become slightly nervous , eyes scanning your surroundings as you started to come to the corner for the block , or what was left of it

Peeking your head around the corner , looking both left and right , seeing no sign of any monster a you let out a small shaky breathe , slowly continuing straight as you got closer to the pharmacy

As you walk past a few abandoned stores , stepping across a dead body  , covering your mouth with your left hand as your right hand kept a hold of you metal bat

As you feel your morning breakfast slowly creeping up your throat , turning as you lean against the nearest building , your right hand still holding in to your bat as your left hand hold on to the building keeping your balance as you vomit up anything you had

Using your sweater sleeve to wipe around your mouth , standing straight as you sit the bat down against the building as you take off you sweater, throwing it on the ground as you let out a annoyed groan , picking up your bat as you walk for the pharmacy which was luckily beside the building you vomited next to

Coming to a complete stop as you look inside the pharmacy, seeing that the glass door was shattered allowing any one or any thing to come in and out when they pleased

Once you knew the coast was clear , carefully easing your foot as you step over the door frame onto the shattered glass as it make a small but loud crunch sound as you full step inside , holding your bat tightly ready to hit anything if needed

Walking through the broken metal detectors , as you quickly head for the isles , making sure to keep a eye on your surroundings

Stepping in to the first isle closest to you as you look through the half empty shelves, seeing that you weren't the feminine section , placing your bat against the shelf as you take your pin bag off your back , sliding open your zipper to the book bag

Grabbing the last three bottles of shampoo, two bottles of body wash , conditioner, the last remaining pack of deodorant, and the last bottle of lotion

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