Cha Hyun-Su x fem!reader ✰ sad

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It's been while since you became close with Hyun su , even having your moments with his monster side , slowly growing a crush for both Hyun su and his monster with in him .. while Hyun su was upstairs getting supplies for the survivors of Green Home as your nose starts to bleed while your in the bathroom.. but it wasn't the first time either

It's been about 4 months since the apocalypse started, during those few months you started to become close to everyone that remained alive in Green Home

More so Hyun su, you both met when everything first started since you happen to live a door down from his apartment , you ran into him while you were heading down stairs to the small convenience/grocery store to get a few items you needed to finish your dinner

Steeping out of your apartment as your shoes crunched against something causing you to look down as you saw a trail of ramen noodles scattered all across the floor leading toward the apartment next door , slowly following the trail as you stopped in you tracks seeing that the person from the apartment over also came out , squinting your eyes as you analyze the boy since you never s em him before before you heard a noise from the apartment you were now in front of both tuning to see what the noise was you see a weird , deformed arm snatched what seemed to be a cats head as blood was all over the floor

After that you and Hyun su just seemed to grow closer , there was times were you would even chat with the monster inside him as he seemed like a cool person in your eyes .. just a bit misunderstood

Letting out a sigh as you shake the thoughts out of your head , looking into the mirror as your body freezes, eyes becoming wide as you stare at your reflection... your nose was bleeding a unnatural amount of blood as you start to slightly panic , quickly turning on the warm water front he sink using your head to quickly wipe away the blood before any one came in the bathroom

After 15 minutes of cleaning your car you slowly turn off the water as you stare at your reflection, body becoming numb as you notice your eyes becomes completely black as you start to hear a voice playing in your head causing your to shiver

'You know .. you can those me for ever Reader'

'Shut the fuck up' you slightly cry out trying to ignore whatever she had to say to you

' Do you really think he'll love you..' the voice in your head says as it taunts you with amused laced in its voice

'I mean .. who would ever love someone that couldn't even protect their younger siblings from their crazies parents' the voice continues to taunt you as you let out silent cries , covering your mouth with one hand as you stare at your reflection, a second version of you now appears beside you , wide smile on her face as her black eyes stares into your brown one through the reflection

'Or that you watched as your younger siblings were tortured to in front of you , how your parents sold you off to a stranger, but you decided to leave which causes the death of you pore brother and sister'

"Shut up" you cry out , soon coming to your senses as you feel a touch to your shoulder causing you to jump as you let out a soft gasp

Turing to see that it was Eun-yu , checking to see if you were okay , giving her quick nod yes as you quickly wipe away your tears heading out of the bathroom ignoring as Eun-yu called after you

Quickly heading for your back pack that was left on your stepping mat as you unzip it open taking out your sketch book along with your pencil that you decided to bring down with you , taking a sit on your mat as you quietly start to think to your self letting out a soft sigh as your head start to move along the paper

Making a small sign that read 'Play Me' as you place the letter down on your bed , picking up your phone as your powered it on , sighing with happiness as the screen came to life , quickly unlocking your phone , making sure to take the lock off for anyone who came across your phone

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